Forge of Empire Mary Stuart quest, 2016

Forge of Empire Mary Stuart quest, 2016

On July 21st, 2016 a new historical quest line starts. Quest line will follow the life of Mary, Queen of Scots, who lived a fascinating life and she left her mark in Scotland, England and France’s history.

All quests must be completed by 28th of July, 2016. You will be rewarded with unique portrait of Mary Stuart and a Shrine of Knowledge if you’ll manage to finish all quests on time. Continue reading “Forge of Empire Mary Stuart quest, 2016”

Forge Of Empire: May Day Event 2016

Forge Of Empire: May Day Event 2016

This is new event on Forge of Empire game. It wasn’t on FoE in earlier years. So welcome to May Day Event 2016.
Meet Hilde, an energetic new quest giver whose memories fuel her determination to have a May Day festival as good as the ones from her youth. Come back every day until 5th of May to fulfill all her wishes. If you manage to do so, you will get nice rewards: the maypole building and new avatars! Continue reading “Forge Of Empire: May Day Event 2016”

Forge of Empire Leap Year event 2016 quests line and tips

Forge of Empire Leap Year event 2016

On 25th of February starts another Forge Of Empire historical quest line. This time you will learn some facts from the history of… time. Why do we have leap years? Why are there ten days missing from the year 1582 calendar? How did it happen and how does this affect our lives nowadays?

If you manage to complete all the quests on time (3rd of March), you will get a unique portrait of Gregory XIII, the man behind our modern calendar (and some other small goodies, like for example a renovation kit). Continue reading “Forge of Empire Leap Year event 2016 quests line and tips”