Forge of Empire Winter Event 2018 quest line and prizes

Click here for FoE Winter Event 2022

On 3rd of December the last Forge of Empire event in 2018 will start – Forge of Empire Winter Event 2018. FoE Winter Event will be open until 2nd of January, 2019.

You need Stars to open presents. There are three ways to get stars:

  1. Get stars by doing quest.
  2. You’ll get 10 stars from your Town Hall when you login each day.
  3. You can get stars in presents.

There are special items hidden among your presents:

Forge of empire Winter 2016 show 2 “Show 2” reveals the content of two presents
Forge of empire Winter 2016 double payout “Double Payout” doubles the next present you open.
Forge of empire Winter 2016 shuffle “Shuffle” resets and shuffles your presents. Once reshuffled, you can open a present at no cost.

Each opened present will also grant you a matchstick which you can use to light one to three candles on the tree. Make it to the top and receive the grand prize – Winter Spire. This powerful 4×4 residential building provides you with population and coins, and when motivated will add supplies, goods, Forge Points and a defense boost. At level 12, the building provides you with 6 Forge Points, 15 goods and a defense boost!

There are two quest lines in this Winter Event: 40 rush quests and 31 stacking daily quests are waiting for you to be completed..

All quests must be finished by 2nd of January, 2019.

Here is first quest line. For each competed quest you will get 10 stars:

Quest # Quest line, tasks and tips
1 Good day! It is very nice to meet you. My name is Ekaterina and I come from a land far north
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 12 Forge points in Virtual Future)
2 Please listen. I bring some of our most told winter tales about Grandfather Frost. People in these lands might call him “Father Winter” or sometimes “Frosty”.
Gather some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 535,000 coins in Virtual Future)
Pay some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 600,000 supplies in Virtual Future)
3 Please listen. I am certain you and your people will like hearing these tales. Let’s gather around the warm and lovely fireplace and I will start with the first one.
Solve simple negotiations OR Defeat this very small army
Make people Enthusiastic – Tips: use Enthusiasm boost in your Tavern
4 Please listen. Once upon a time there was a man with a daughter who married a woman who also had a daughter. They lived in the cold North close to a forest.
Build 4 decoration buildings from your age OR Build 5 decorations from the previous age
In a production building, finish a 15 minute production 10 times
5 The woman was overbearing and imperious. She loved her own daughter – but hated the other girl.
Acquire 2 sectors – Tips: win or negotiate two sectors in a province
6 Every day, the woman treated her own lazy daughter very kindly, but yelled at the diligent and beautiful girl. She wanted to see her be gone forever.
Motivate or polish 25 buildings for other players
Donate some goods to guild treasury OR Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 50 goods or 12 Forge Points in Virtual Future) – Tips: goods can be from any age/era
7 The girl’s father though was a sad man and very unassertive. And so, one day, the evil stepmother demanded to bring the girl into the forest and leave her there for the night.
Buy 3 Forge Points
Gather some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 1,070,000 coins in Virtual Future)
8 The man cried and begged, but eventually took his daughter at the will of his evil wife to the snowy woods.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 16 forge Points in Virtual Future)
Build 1 residential building from your age OR Build 2 residential buildings from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused residential building there
9 The poor girl cowered behind a snow bank when suddenly Grandfather Frost appeared in an ice-cold breeze.
Solve this simple negotiations OR Donate some goods to the guild treasury (amount depends on age/era you are in. 160 goods in Virtual Future) – Tips: goods can be from any age/era
Pay some Supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 1,200,000 supplies in Virtual Future)
10 Grandfather Frost came closer and asked the lonely girl what she was doing in the cold forest. She was very friendly and answered all his questions politely.
Gather some goods, e.g. from goods buildings or by trading (amount depends on age/era you are in. 160 goods in Virtual Future) – Tips: goods can be from any age/era
In a production building finish the shortest production option 20 times – Tips: finish 5 minutes production 20 times in production building. Build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town to finish this quest quicker
11 The story of the needy girl touched Grandfather Frost’s heart he had mercy on her. Even more: He gave her a warm coat and a bag full of riches.
Acquire 3 sectors without fighting OR Defeat 40 units– Tips: negotiate sectors OR defeat enemy units in GE battles, on Continent map or in fights with your neighbours
12 The next morning, after a long and sleepless night, the girl’s father realized what he had done to his only daughter and he ran in panic into the forest.
Visit 15 Friends Taverns OR Infiltrate 2 sectors
13 When he found his daughter in the forest he was full of joy! She was alive and well and together they went home.
Gather some goods, e.g. from goods buildings of by trading (amount depends on age/era you are in. 400 goods in Virtual Future) – Tips: goods can be from any age/era
14 Father and daughter arrived safely. But the stepmother was jealous of the riches the girl brought with her. She decided to go with her own daughter into the forest for the night.
Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused production building there
Gather some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 535,000 coins in Virtual Future) 
15 The women waited for a long time when suddenly Grandfather Frost appeared. The step mother was furious and demanded the riches for her own daughter.
Defeat this small army OR In a production building, finish  a 4-hour production 10 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
16 Grandfather Frost was angry with the evil stepmother and waved his frozen scepter. He commanded her to leave the forest and never come back.
Spend 500 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 15 Forge Points in Virtual Future) 
In a production building, finish a 1-hour production 15 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
17 The angry woman didn’t leave. Instead, in a rash move, she grabbed the scepter and immediately turned into ice.
Defeat 35 units OR Solve this moderate negotiation
18 The daughter cried and Grandfather Frost again showed mercy. It wasn’t her fault how she was raised. so he decided to take her with him to his kingdom.
In a production building, finish a 4-hour productions 20 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Gather some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 620,000 supplies in Virtual Future)
19 The next morning, when the two women did not come home, the father went to his neighbors and asked for help. Together they looked for his wife and her daughter.
Donate some goods to the Guild Treasury OR In production building finish a 24-hour production 10 times (amount depends on age/era you are in. 560 goods in Virtual Future) – Tips: goods can be from any age/era
20 The man and his neighbors eventually found his frozen wife. After an unsuccessful search for his stepdaughter, they finally gave up and went home.
Defeat this small army OR Solve this moderate negotiation
Pay some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 3,501,000 coins in Virtual Future)
21 With the riches Grandfather Frost gave them, they lived a secure live in the far north of this country
Motivate or polish 40 buildings for other players
Pay some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 1,200,000 supplies in Virtual Future)
22 I hope you enjoyed this tale of Grandfather frost. Are you up for another one? Let me begin.
Infiltrate 3 sectors OR Complete 2 Guild Expedition encounters by negotiation
Finish each production option once – Tips: finish once each of 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours, 8 hours and 24 hours production in production building
23 Once upon a time there was a farmer who had a wife, both loved each other very much. They wished for a child, but their wish was not fulfilled.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Spend 300 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR Defeat this small army
24 One day, after many years had passed, the elderly couple saw children playing in the snow. the kids ran and danced and started to build a snowman.
Win 5 battles without losing OR Solve this complex negotiation
25 “Let us go out, too”, said the woman. “But let us build a snowgirl – I want to dream of the child we never had.” And her husband agreed.
Build 1 goods building from your age OR Buy 8 Forge Points
Gather some goods, e.g. from goods buildings or by trading (amount depends on age/era you are in. 160 goods in Virtual Future)
26 The couple built a beautiful snowgirl, with arms and legs, a nose and a mouth. And Grandfather Frost saw how happy they were. So he decided to breathe life into this snowy dream.
Collect 750 Tavern Silver OR Recruit 3 units from your age
Pay some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 1,167,000 coins in Virtual Future)
27 The elderly married couple were so happy, they were dancing and singing together with their new granddaughter.
Gain control over a province OR Solve 12 encounters in the Guild Expedition
28 The girl was the nicest and most beautiful girl the couple could have ever wished for. She had a lovely voice and was always polite to everyone.
Donate some goods to the guild treasury OR Gather some goods, e.g. from goods production buildings or by trading (amount depends on age/era you are in. 320 goods in Virtual Future) – Tips: goods can be from any age/era
29 The winter passed and the sun of spring sparkled brightly in the sky. The flowers blossomed and the children began to play and dance outside. But not the girl.
Activate 1 boost in the Friends Tavern OR Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 60 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Finish 15 productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish 20 productions in production buildings from the previous age – Tips: finish 5 minutes production 15 times in production building from your age or finish 5 minutes production 20 times in building from the previous age
30 Spring passed and summer came. But the girl just stayed inside and was sad. Only rain gave her a slightly better mood and her grandmother was worried.
Defeat this small army OR Contribute some Forge Points to Great Buildings (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Buy 5 Forge Points
31 One day the children from the village came to play with the girl. They wanted to go to the forest and dance and sing. But the girl didn’t want to.
Motivate or polish 30 buildings for other players
Build 2 residential buildings from your age OR Build 3 residential buildings from the previous age
32 Maybe her beloved child might get some happiness outside, the grandmother thought. So she convinced her girl to go with the other children.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 48 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
In a production building finish the shortest production option 15 times – Tips: finish 5 minutes production 15 times in production building. Build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town to finish this quest quicker
33 So they went out to the forest and made small bunches of flowers and sang happy songs together.
Recruit 3 units from your age OR Recruit 4 units from the previous age
Gather some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 775,000 supplies in Virtual Future)
34 When the sun was setting, the children gathered dried grass and twigs to make a small fire. They wanted to play a game. So they stood in a row to jump over the fire one after another.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Gather some goods, e.g. from goods buildings or by trading (amount depends on age/era you are in. 640 goods in Virtual Future)
35 When it was the snowgirl’s turn, nobody could find her. She just disappeared. Maybe she went home? But she wasn’t there either. And she didn’t come home the following days either.
Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Win 4 battles without losing – Tips: activate coins or supply 4 hours boost 2 times in your Tavern. It is cheapest boost OR you can win battles in Guild Expedition, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors
Pay some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 2,917,500 coins in Virtual Future)
36 The girl was nowhere to be found and the old couple cried over the loss of their beloved child. Months passed without a sign of her.
Scout a province
37 The snowgirl was well though, Grandfather Frost took her with him for the summer. Because heat and fire is nothing a snowgirl should bear.
Defeat this medium sized army OR Solve this moderate negotiations
38 When the first snow fell, a cold breeze blew into the elderly couple’s house. Grandfather Frost appeared together with their beloved child – and she was well and happy.
Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age
In a production building finish a 4-hour production 12 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
39 The snowgirl brought presents for her grandparents, but the biggest present for them was that she was well
Visit 20 Friends Taverns OR Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 60 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Pay some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 1,200,000 supplies in Virtual Future)
40 These were the tales that we tell in the North. Now let’s put some more wood into the fireplace and enjoy the winter.
Complete 5 Guild expedition encounters by negotiation without losing OR Defeat 80 units – Tips: negotiate expedition encounters OR defeat enemy units in GE battles, on Continent map or in fights with your neighbours. You don’t need to win battles.

Here is daily quest line. For each competed quest you will get 15 stars:



41 (Dec 3) Winter is such a great time of the year, don’t you think? Can you help me with a few things so we can enjoy the warm fireplace together?
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 20 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Pay some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 2,334,000 coins in Virtual Future)
42 (Dec 4)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 20 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Finish 1-hour production 8 times– Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
43 (Dec 5)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 20 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Defeat this small army OR Solve 3 encounters in the Guild Expedition
44 (Dec 6)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 20 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Motivate or polish 35 buildings for other players
45 (Dec 7)  
Solve 6 encounters in the Guild Expedition OR Acquire 3 sectors without fighting
46 (Dec 8)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 20 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Build 1 cultural building from your age OR Build 2 cultural buildings from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused cultural building there
47 (Dec 9)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 20 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Defeat this medium-sized army OR Solve this moderate negotiation
48 (Dec 10)  
Pay some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 1,200,000 supplies in Virtual Future)
Buy 5 Forge Points
49 (Dec 11)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 20 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Finish an 8-hour production 10 times
50 (Dec 12)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 20 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Spend 700 Tavern Silver in Friends Tavern OR Buy 10 Forge Points
51 (Dec 13)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Win 10 battles OR Donate some goods either from your current era or the era bellow to the Guild Treasury (amount depends on age/era you are in. 400 goods in Virtual Future)
52 (Dec 14)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 20 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Gather some goods, e.g. from goods buildings or by trading (amount depends on age/era you are in. 480 goods in Virtual Future) – Tips: goods can be from any age/era
53 (Dec 15)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Pay some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 4,084,500 Coins in Virtual Future)
54 (Dec 16)  
Solve this moderate negotiations OR Complete 5 encounters by fighting
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
55 (Dec 17)  
Visit 12 Friends Taverns OR Motivate or polish 50 buildings for other players
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
56 (Dec 18)  
Defeat this large army OR Solve this complex negotiation
57 (Dec 19)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 20 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Finish a 15 min production 15 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
58 (Dec 20)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Donate some goods to the Guild Treasury OR Infiltrate a sector (amount depends on age/era you are in. 240 goods in Virtual Future) – Tips: goods can be from any age/era
59 (Dec 21)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 60 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Solve this moderate negotiations OR Recruit 2 units from your age
60 (Dec 22)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Defeat this medium-sized army OR Collect 1200 Tavern Silver
61 (Dec 23)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Finish shortest production option 24 times – Tips: finish 5 minutes production 24 times in production building. Build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town to finish this quest quicker
62 (Dec 24)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 60 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Motivate or polish 24 buildings for other players
63 (Dec 25)  
Win 5 battles without losing OR Donate some goods to the Guild Treasury (amount depends on age/era you are in. 160 Goods in Virtual Future) – Tips: goods can be from any age/era
64 (Dec 26)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Build 5 decorations – Tips: decorations can be from any age/era. Trees from stone age works as well
65 (Dec 27)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 60 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Activate 1 boost in the Friends Tavern OR Win 3 battles without losing
66 (Dec 28)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 20 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Conquer a sector OR Solve this moderate negotiation
67 (Dec 29)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 60 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Gather some goods, e.g. from goods buildings or by trading (amount depends on age/era you are in. 320 goods in Virtual Future)
68 (Dec 30)  
In a production building, finish a 4-hour production 12 times
Pay some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 2,334,000 coins in Virtual Future)
69 (Dec 31)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 60 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Gather some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 456,000 supplies in Virtual Future)
70 (Jan 1)  
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 60 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Make people enthusiastic – Tips: use Enthusiasm boost in your Tavern
71 (Jan 2)  
Defeat this large army OR Solve this moderate negotiation
Pay some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 1,500,000 Supplies in Virtual Future)

5 Replies to “Forge of Empire Winter Event 2018 quest line and prizes”

  1. Is it possible to win a Hall of Fame in the FoE Winter event? How are Halls of Fame acquired?

    1. Yes, you can to win it in presents window as a special item of the day. Hall of Fame already was on 5th of December, but hopefully it will be available another day again, so just wait and save your stars.

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