Forge Of Empire: Summer Event 2017

Click here for FoE Summer Event 2022 questlines and tips

On 28th of June Forge of Empire Summer Event 2017 starts. Official announcement is here.

Spin the Wheel of Fortune to win prizes. But Wheel of Fortune is shared with your neighbors so be quick then you’ll see a prize you want to get. Or press Refresh & Spin button in case you don’t see any valuable prizes available. Prizes on the Wheel of Fortune are random, so you never know what kind of prizes you’ll see there after refresh.

To spin the Wheel of Fortune you need a ticket. There two ways to get them:

  1. Log in every day and you’ll get one ticket from your town hall
  2. Solve quests and get 1-2 tickets for each solved quest.

There are 20 main quests which can be done straight away and then you will be able to get daily quests as it was during Spring Event 2017.

Reward for finishing main quest line is Summer Set Western And Eastern Palace Towers.

Here is a list of quests you’ll need to finish until 19th of July.

Player gets 1 casino ticket for each completed task. With couple exceptions when player is rewarded with 2 tickets.

Quest #Quest line, tasks and tips
1Meet Maharaja. Allow me to introduce myself: I’m Maharaja Tanak, and I’m in charge of the Summer Event this year. Solve my quests and I will reward you with Tickets for the Casino!
Gather 200 coins – Tips: motivate/polish couple of your guildmates or friends
Spend 7 Forge Points
2Famous Casino. My beloved wife Maharani Pari and myself are here to learn about the customs of your Summer Casino 
Build 2 decorations from your age or 3 from the previous age – Tips: polish/motive your guild mates/neighbors or build and sell a decoration to get back coins you need
Spend 7 Forge Point
3Event Apprentice. We want to establish a similar Casino in our empire to increase the happiness of the inhabitants. I talked to Greva and she allowed us to take over this year’s Casino – as training. 
In a production building, finish a 1-hour production 10 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Spend 7 Forge Points
4Foreign Buildings. As a thank you, we brought you plans for some of our most precious buildings. You can find them on the wheel in the Casino this year, and as a reward for solving our quests. 
Build 3 residential buildings from your age or 4 from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused residential building there.
Spend 7 Forge Points
5Indian Palace. We brought two sets of buildings that will form a magnificent palace. The ‘Indian Palace’ consists of a replica of my personal main palace, together with two towers and two exotic gardens.
Gather 40 Goods– Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for 40 goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
Spend 7 Forge Points
6Indian Fountain. The second set consists of a giant ‘Elephant Fountain’, which is framed by Chhatris, an entrance gate and a Titan Arum plant from my personal collection
Motive or Polish 40 Players
Spend 7 Forge Points
7Holy Elephants. We consider Elephants to be holy in our culture. That’s why I dedicated a whole fountain to them. having these divine creatures so close to my place fills me with joy! 
Research a technology OR donate 400 Goods to your guild treasury from your stockpile
Spend 20 Forge Points
8Titan Arum. Titan Arum plants are the biggest flowers in the whole world. They are not native to my home country, but when I saw it on a trip abroad, I ordered one of my servants to get me one for my garden.
Collect 250 Tavern Silver OR buy 4 Forge Points– Tips: it is your OWN Friends Tavern located above your city on the map or you can get some tavern silver by visiting your neighbors’ or guildmates’ taverns.
Spend 7 Forge Points
9Chhatris. Chhatris are dome-shaped pavilions that we commonly use in our architecture. I love to watch my gardens from the shadows of Chhatri… if you are lucky, you can win some on the wheel this year.
In a production building, finish a 4-hour-production 15 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town and you didn’t do it yet
Spend 7 Forge Points
10Mischievous Monkeys. The ‘Bandar Playground’ is one of my favorite gardens. ‘Bandar’ means ‘monkey’ and I just love these little, mischievous creatures. They always amuse me, and they are a great attraction for visitors.
Contribute 25 Forge Points to a Great Buildings OR activate 2 boosts in your Tavern
Spend 7 Forge Points
11Lotus Pond. If you look very closely, you can find a Lotus bloom in my ‘Jungle Pond’ building. These flowers are not only native to our home country, but we event consider them to be our national flower 
Make People Enthusiastic– Tips: use Enthusiasm boost in your Tavern
Spend 7 Forge Points
12Selfless Maharaja. I’m not a very selfish man – on many occasions I open my palace to the public, so the ordinary people can also enjoy the beauty of the architecture and nature. 
Recruit 4 Units from your age or 6 Units from your previous age – Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
Spend 7 Forge Points
13Golden Rewards. On every wheel you will find at least one golden reward. These are very powerful and quite rare, so there is always only copy of them available. Ir you are lucky, you might also find the biggest set buildings as golden rewards. 
Build 2 Cultural Buildings from your age or 3 from your previous – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused cultural building there.
Spend 7 Forge Points
14Silver Rewards. Next to the golden rewards, there are also silver ones. These are valuable as well, and each appears twice on the wheel. Expect to find the smaller set buildings as silver rewards.
Scout a province OR Solve 12 encounters in Guild Expedition
Spend 7 Forge Points
15Green Rewards. The other rewards are green and appear as four copies each. They include some useful things like boosts, basic resources, Forge Points or special units that help you in battle
In production building finish a 5-minute production 20 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Spend 7 Forge Points
16Palace Towers. After you solve all of my tasks, my wife will grant you the ‘Easter’ and ‘ Western Palace Tower’ from the ‘Indian Palace’ set. they complement the ‘Maharaja’s Palace’ building and make it look even more impressive.
Infiltrate 4 sectors OR Buy 4 Forge Points
Spend 7 Forge Points
17Maharani’s Tasks. even after all of my quests are solved, my wife will have some more for you that will appear on a daily basis. If you solve all of her tasks, I will gift you my favorite building, the ‘Maharaja’s Palace’
In a production building finish an 8-hour production 15 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
In a production building  finish a 15-min production 15 times
18The Maharaja’s Palace. The Maharaja’s Palace’ is a perfect copy of my own palace back in our home. It is very powerful and can produce a multitude of different resources
Acquire 2 sectors without fighting OR win 5 battles without losing in between – Tips: negotiate sectors
Spend 7 Forge Points
19Casino Lessons. Thank you for your support! I already learned a lot from the Summer Casino in your city. I really hope that we can take it back to our home country and people will like it there as well 
Buy 7 Forge Points
Spend 7 Forge Points
20One Last Favor. I never expected you to solve all of my tasks so quickly! I’m impressed. This is the last favor I will ask of you before my wife will continue. I hope you spent all of your tickets wisely
Gain control over a province – Tips: acquire all sectors of the province
Spend 7 Forge Points

Bonus quests

Additional daily quests available after main questline is completed

DayQuest line, tasks and tips
Jun 28Build 6 Decorations – Tips: age isn’t matter. You can build 6 trees from stone age
Gather 500 Supplies
Jun 29Visit 8 Taverns
Motivate or Polish 30 buildings of other players
Jun 30Build 2 residential buildings from your age or 3 from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused residential building there
Make people Enthusiastic – Tips: use Enthusiasm boost from your Tavern
Jul 1Finish 15 productions in production buildings from your age or 20 from the previous age – Tips: in a production building finish 5-minute production 15-20 times.
Spend 10 Forge Points
Jul 2Gather 50 Goods– Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for 50 goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
Activate 1 Boost in the Tavern
Jul 3Acquire 1 sector without fighting OR Defeat 50 enemy units in battle – Tips: negotiate sector
Finish 5-min productions 115 times – Tips: age of production buildings isn’t matter, so build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Jul 4Build 1 production building from your age OR 2 from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused production building there
Spend 10 Forge Points
Jul 5Finish each of the production options once– Tips: finish 5-minute, 15-minute, 1 hour, 4 hours, 8 hours and 24 hours production once. IT can be done in different buildings. Age isn’t matter
Recruit 3 units from your age or 5 units from the previous age – Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
Jul 6Buy 8 Forge Points
Spend 8 Forge Points
Jul 7Motivate or polish 40 buildings of other players
Gather 700 supplies
Jul 8Scout a province OR have the first difficulty in the Guild Expedition solved
Spend 15 Forge Points
Jul 9Build 1 Goods Building from your age or 2 from the previous age
Collect 200 Tavern Silver – Tips: it is your OWN Friends Tavern located above your city on the map or you can get some tavern silver by visiting your neighbors’ or guildmates’ taverns.
Jul 10Finish 1-hour productions 15 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Finish 24-hour productions 6 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Jul 11Infiltrate 4 Sectors OR buy 4 Forge Points
Build 1 military building from your age or 2 from the previous age
Jul 12Sell any 4 buildings from your age or 6 from the previous age – Tips: roads and decorations are also buildings
Recruit 4 units from your age or 6 from the previous age – Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
Jul 13Acquire 4 sectors OR donate 700 goods to your guild treasury from your stockpile
Gather 50 Goods – Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for 50 goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
Jul 14In a production building finish a 4-hour production 20 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Spend 15 Forge Points
Jul 15Spend 20 Forge Points
Gain control over a province

That’s it.