Forge of Empire Spring Event 2017: questline tasks and tips

Click here for Spring Event 2020

On March 28th, 2017 a Forge of empire Spring Event will start and it is called Cherry Blossom Festival to celebrate cherry blossom.

The main currency of this event is spring lantern. Spring lanterns can be traded for bronze, silver or gold chest with different rewards available. You can read full announcement of the event here and in our post we will write how to get these spring lanterns.

There are four [free] ways to get spring lanterns:

  1. You will be getting 10 Lanterns per day from the town hall
  2. You can get from 1 to 10 lanterns from cherry trees in the wilderness around your town. These cherry trees will appear after you complete quest or will open a chest
  3. Some lanterns are available as a prize in a chest
  4. The most important source of spring lanterns is quest completion.

Of course there is fifth way – as always you can buy spring lanterns with the diamonds.

Spring event quests

During this Cherry blossom festival will be two quests’ sets available. First (main) set will be available immediately and you will be able to complete all 25 quests straight away one by one.

Another quests’ set will be available after completion of the main questline. Each day from the start the event a new quest will be given. At the beginning you probably will have some stacked up quests, because they will become visible only after completion of main questline.

All questlines must be finished and all spring lanterns spent by 17th of April, 2017.

Main questline tasks and tips

Here is main questline. You will be rewarded with two Japanese-themed portraits and the Gong of Wisdom building by completing these quests.

Quest # Quest line, tasks and tips
1 The Spring Event. Konnichiwa! My name is Hanako. Let us celebrate the Cherry Blossom Festival as this year’s Spring Event! I’m in charge of the preparations. Will you help me?
Reward: 10 Lanterns
Collect 100 coins – Tips: polish/motive your guild mates/neighbours or build and sell a decoration to get back coins you need
Spend 7 Forge Points
2 The Cherry Garden. In this year’s Spring Event, you have the chance to win different parts of the Cherry Garden. It consists of five buildings that have a strong connection to each other…here, take this one as a gift.
Reward: 1 Zen Zone
Build 1 decoration from your age or 2 from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory for some decorations you didn’t use yet
Spend 7 Forge Point
3 Building Synergy. The Cherry Garden Buildings, when placed together, create a beautiful composition. If you build them next to each other, their ancient power awakens and all of them will benefit
Reward: 12 Lanterns
Finish 5-minute production 5 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Spend 7 Forge Points
4 Get them all. The more unique Cherry Garden Buildings you build next to each other, the higher their bonus will be! Try to win all of them in this year’s Spring Event. I’ll help you with Spring Lanterns to trade in.
Reward: 13 Lanterns
Build one residential building from your age or 2 from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory for residential buildings you didn’t use yet
Spend 7 Forge Points
5 Sakura. Let’s start with the preparations for the festival. Have you ever experienced the cherry blossom season before? We call it ‘Sakura’. When the cherry trees bloom, everyone gathers at the parks and celebrates!
Reward: 14 Lanterns
Make people enthusiastic – Tips: you can active Enthusiasm in Friends tavern for 4h
Spend 7 Forge Points
6 Blink and you’ll miss it. ‘Sakura’ usually starts between the end of March and the beginning of April, so we don’t have much time to prepare. It only lasts for a few days, but they’re intense.
Reward: 15 Lanterns
Buy 3 Forge Points
Spend 7 Forge Points
7 Spread the Word. We have never celebrated ‘Sakura’ in MOTIVATE Shrine before. So first, we need to make sure that your citizens know what the festival is all about. Please help me with spreading the word – I’m sure they will love it
Reward: 16 Lanterns
Gather 40 goods – Tips: you can make a trade for 40 goods on market. Age doesn’t matter
Spend 7 Forge Points
8 Cherry Trees. Obviously, we need cherry trees for the cherry blossom festival. Fortunately, that’s been taken care of. My home town donated trees last year already – you can see them outside of your city
Reward: 17 Lanterns
In a Production Building, finish a 1-hour-production 8 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town and you didn’t do it yet
Spend 7 Forge Points
9 Hanami Bento. Once the bloom starts, people meet up with their family, friends and colleagues to celebrate. They will gather in parks and enjoy homemade specialities called ‘hanami bento’
Reward: 18 Lanterns
Research a technology
Spend 7 Forge Points
10 Fish Cakes. For the festivities, I decided to make delicious fish cakes called ‘kamaboko’. Also, I would like to decorate the food boxes. Please help me with the preparations
Reward: 19 Lanterns
In a production building, finish 8-hour production 5 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town and you didn’t do it yet
Spend 7 Forge Points
11 Cooking Courses. I figured it would be a good idea to give cooking courses, so everyone knows how to prepare their own ‘hanami bento’. Let’s visit your friends and check out their Taverns to schedule the courses
Reward: 20 Lanterns
Visit 4 Taverns
Spend 7 Forge Points
12 Ongoing Celebrations. The festivities do not stop after the first picnic at lunchtime – they go on until the evening. There’s people laughing everywhere, playing and listening to music. Let’s hire some musicians!
Reward: 21 Lanterns
Build 1 culture building from your age or 2 from the previous age
Spend 7 Forge Points
13 Paper Lanterns. In the evening, decorative paper lanterns are hung in the trees and lit up to make a nice atmosphere. I prepared a lot of paper lanterns in advance. Please help me give them to everyone!
Reward: 22 Lanterns
Scout a province
Spend 7 Forge Point
14 Goodbye Winter. Everyone is nothing but cheerful during the cherry blossom season. The air is filled with the delicate fragrance of the cherry blossoms and it’s a great time to say goodbye to the cold winter season and embrace the spring.
Reward: 23 Lanterns
Buy 5 Forge Points
Spend 7 Forge Points
15 Cherry Forecast. No one can really plan when the bloom starts as it depends on Mother Nature alone. the weather plays an important role here, and there are even specific forecasts only for the ‘Sakura’
Reward: 24 Lanterns
Collect 200 Tavern Silver
Spend 7 Forge Points
16 From South to North. Usually, the cherry trees in the south starts to bloom first. The festivities there will be over when the bloom reaches the north. So, if you cant’ get enough, just travel with the bloom from south to north!
Reward: 25 Lanterns
In a production building, finish 15-minute production 7 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town and you didn’t do it yet
Spend 7 Forge Points
17 Fragile Bloom. The cherry blossoms are actually quite fragile. Only a small blast of wind or rain is enough to make the petals fall way.
Reward: 26 Lanterns
Infiltrate 4 sectors
Spend 7 Forge Points
18 Cultivation. Many of the cherry trees that you see blooming during the ‘Sakura’ do not actually produce cherries. They have been cultivated mostly for ornamental use by now.
Reward: 27 Lanterns
Recruit 5 units from your age or 8 from previous age– Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
Spend 7 Forge Points
19 Symbol of Beauty. Cherry blossoms are a universal symbol of beauty and the start of spring, but they also represents perishability.
Reward: 28 Lanterns
In a production building, finish 24-hour production 4 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town and you didn’t do it yet
Spend 7 Forge Points
20 Over the Centuries. The cherry blossom festival has a long tradition – in fact, it is many centuries old. It is even said to go as far back as the end of the 8th century! Let’s preserve this tradition by sharing it.
Reward: 29 Lanterns
Acquire 2 sectors without fighting
Spend 7 Forge Points
21 Living Tradition. Up until today, the customs of celebrating the cherry blossom season have not changed drastically. People still gather to enjoy the beauty of the cherry blossoms together. Please tell all your neighbors and friends about it.
Reward: 30 Lanterns
Motivate or polish 40 buildings of other players
Spend 7 Forge Points
22 Worldwide Festivities. The cherry blossom festival is celebrated all over the world, not only in Asia. Also, big European and North American cities have parks with cherry trees and celebrate their bloom, and now also MOTIVATE Shrine will join
Reward: 31 Lanterns
Contribute 20 Forge Points to a Great Building or Research a technology
23 Cherry Blossom Queen. Some cities even have the honor of crowning their own official cherry blossom queens. This is true for Washington D.C., Honolulu, Hawaii, and Hamburg, Germany. we should decorate our city – maybe we can be chosen as well.
Reward: 32 Lanterns
Build 8 decorations
Spend 7 Forge Points
24 Favorite Time of the Year. It’s such a shame that the cherry blossoms only last for a short time. It’s by far my favorite time of year and I’m always a bit sad when it ends.
Reward: 33 Lanterns and Portrait of Samurai
Activate 1 boost in your Friends Tavern
Spend 7 Forge Points
25 Blossom Approaching. The preparations for this year’s Cherry Blossom Festival are almost over – it really can’t be long now, I can already smell it in the air! Thank you for your support.
Reward: 34 Lanterns and Portrait of Hanako
Gain control over a province – Tips: after you gain control over a province send your scout to the next province and don’t open Continent map until 8th of April
Spend 7 Forge Points
Reward: Gong of Wisdom building

Daily quests

Additional quests available after main questline is completed

Date Quest line, tasks and tips
Mar 28 Collect 200 coins – Tips: polish/motive your guild mates/neighbours or build and sell a decoration to get back coins you need
Spend 7 Forge Points
Mar 29 Build 2 decorations from your age or 4 from the previous ageTips: check your inventory for some decorations you didn’t use yet
Spend 7 Forge Point
Mar 30 In a production building, finish 5-minute productions 12 times
– Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Spend 7 Forge Points
Mar 31 Build 2 residential buildings from your age or 4 from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory for residential buildings you didn’t use yet
Spend 7 Forge Points
Apr 1 Make people enthusiastic – Tips: you can active Enthusiasm in Friends tavern for 4h
Spend 7 Forge Points
Apr 2 Buy 8 Forge Points
Spend 7 Forge Points
Apr 3 Gather 70 goods – Tips: you can make a trade for 40 goods on market. Age doesn’t matter
Spend 7 Forge Points
Apr 4 Finish 1-hour production 12 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Spend 7 Forge Points
Apr 5 Research a technology
Spend 7 Forge Points
Apr 6 In a production building, finish 8-hour production 8 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Spend 7 Forge Points
Apr 7 Delete 5 units from your age or 8 units from the previous age
Spend 7 Forge Points
Apr 8 Build 2 cultural buildings from your age or 3 from the previous age
Spend 7 Forge Points
Apr 9 Scout a province – Tips: don’t acquire/infiltrate any sectors, as you will need it for April 10 quest
Spend 7 Forge Points
Apr 10 Finish 15-minute productions 10 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Spend 7 Forge Point
Apr 11 Infiltrate 5 sectors – Tips: don’t acquire any sectors as you will need it for later quests
Spend 7 Forge Points
Apr 12 Recruit 6 units from your age or 10 units from the previous age
Spend 7 Forge Points
Apr 13 In a production building, finish a 24-hour production 7 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Spend 7 Forge Points
Apr 14 Acquire 2 sectors without fighting
Spend 7 Forge Points
Apr 15 Motivate or polish 40 buildings of other players
Spend 7 Forge Points
Apr 16 Contribute 20 Forge Points to a Great Building or Research a technology
Apr 17 Gain control over a province
Spend 7 Forge Points

That’s it.

23 Replies to “Forge of Empire Spring Event 2017: questline tasks and tips”

  1. Worthless, no tips just a list of the quests. Way to get clicks with miss labeling

    1. Hi Ed,

      For which quest you are looking tips? All quests in this event are straight forward that’s why we didn’t put many tips here.

  2. Task 24 – Activate 1 boost in your Friends Tavern
    How the ones with already upgraded all parts of tavern can do this task?

    1. Open your tavern and you will see a Tavern shop tab. There are a lot of usefull things you can activate there

        1. When it says “your friends tavern” it means your own tavern, that’s just the name of it. So activate a boost in your tavern to complete that event task.

  3. Will there be an option to get hold of any missing items of the Cherry Tree Set ?

  4. The April 8th Quest is incorrect. The TRUE Quest is to build 2 cultural buildings from your current age or 3 from the previous age Having relied on your list I have now wasted a 2 day + scouting trip in all 4 worlds that I play.
    So much for you knowing what is really going to happen.

    1. I did the same, my guess would be that the dates are wrong so it will be tomorrows task. So as long as you haven’t opened your world map to see the newly scouted area you should be alright.

  5. I’m stuck on this quest I have scouted and used negotiated sectors with my goods, to win the sectors.

    I think I have won 5 and nothing has not registered. Any ideas or tips?

    Event Quest – Hanako (Quest 17/25)
    Konnichiwa! The cherry blossoms are actually quite fragile. Only a small blast of wind or rain is enough to make the petals fall away.

    Task: Infriltrate 4 sectors

    1. Marcos did you figure that quest out? because I am at the same sticking point. I think you may have to fight to win a sector because negotiating does not work. The next quest appears to be when a sector with negotiation. These are not straight forward like the comments said.

      1. Hi kendrake,

        If you acquired at least on sector by fighting then it is straight forward. If not then… I explained in above comment what to do.

    2. Hi Marcos,

      As quest says you need INFILTRATE, but not negotiate sectors. If you are using a tablet in sector’s options you can see two buttons on the first screen – Attack and Negotiate. Press Attack button Instead of pressing Negotiate and on the next screen you’ll see Infiltrate button.

  6. I did resist opening the world map (avoided other quests) and Yes, it did return to the schedule, just one inserted but now I have finishes the last quest you listed and it seems there are additional (at least the next)
    May want to extreme vet your sources in the future

  7. The quest line is not complete as it stops at April the 10th. I will post the next few quests until the end of the line as they occur.
    APRIL 11 — Spend 7 Forge Points and Recruit 6 units from your age or 10 units from the previous age.
    APRIL 12 — I will post tomorrow.

  8. APRIL 12 — Spend 7 Forge Points and in a production building finish a 24 hour production 7 times. (build Hunters to finish faster if you have space)

    1. it doesnt help to post what happened yesterday we need to know what is required tomorrow & the next day…

      1. Quest 18 (14 April): Hanako: “Acquire 2 sectors without fighting” and “Spend 7 Forge Points”
        Reward: Lanterns 27 Lanterns

        Quest 19 (15 April): Hanako: “Motivate or polish 40 buildings of other players” and “Spend 7 Forge Points” Reward: Lanterns 28 Lanterns

        Quest 20 (16 April): Hanako: ” Contribute 20 Forge Points to a Great Building or Research a technology” Reward: Lanterns 29 Lanterns

        Quest 21 (17 April): Hanako: “Gain control over a province” and “Spend 7 Forge Points” Reward: Lanterns 30 Lanterns

        End of 2017 Spring Event Bonus Questline

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