Forge of Empire Halloween Event tasks and tips, 2017

Click here for FoE Halloween Event 2022

Halloween is coming and here is the latest Forge of Empire Halloween Event, 2017. From 19th of October until 2nd of November, 2017 you will have 45 quests to finish with random rewards for each finished quest. Solve all quests to receive the impressive Black Tower building. It produces many different resources, including Forge Points and goods.

Also win the Graveyard cultural building and up to two Upgrade Items for it during the course of Halloween Questline. Players who already own improved versions of the Graveyard might be able to unlock the new Necropolis this way.

Quest # Quest line, tasks and tips
1 Jack: Your Grace! Boo! Welcome to All Hallows’ Eve! I hope you’re not easy to scare or naive. And if you think that riddles are overrated, I can tell you the story of how I was created
Spend 5 Forge Points
Gather 150 coins – Tips: motivate/polish your neighbors/guildmates
2 I once was a farmer, a diligent man, working as hard as any farmer can. I specialized in pumpkins, my favorite crop. My family and I had our own little shop. 
Build 2 Decorations from your age or 3 from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused decorations there
Spend 5 Forge Points
3 My wife had died early, my only true love, giving birth to our son we clearly called Joff. My daughter named Jenny had to save every penny. Losing their mother for them had been rough 
Motivate or polish 10 buildings of other players
Spend 5 Forge Points
4 After a few very fruitful years, there was a year of drought and fears. The plants I had sowed – they refused to grow. This left us with empty stomachs and tears. 
Spend 5 Forge Points – Tips: trade goods in the market, age/era doesn’t matter
Gather 30 goods by collecting or trading – Tips: trade goods in the market, age/era doesn’t matter
5 The few scruffy pumpikns that we had left – they all fell vitim to a vicious theft. A murder of crows, my biggest foes, ate all the rest with their beaks so deft.
In a production building, finish the shortest production option 15 times– Tips: finish 5 minutes production 15 times in production building. Doesn’t matter of which age/era, so build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Spend 5 Forge Points
6 After I lost the last pumpkin flower, I had to turn to evil power. I heard from a beggar, called Edgar McGregor, who lived near a cursed and haunted tower. 
Spend 5 Forge Points
Buy 4 Forge Points (e.g. with coins)
7 I went to the man, I begged and I plead. And he answered me with a voice so sweet: “I will save your children, I will set them free. But there’s something I need you to do for me.” 
Acquire 2 sectors without fighting OR defeat 70 enemy units in battle– Tips: negotiate sectors or you can fight in Guild Expedition, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors. You don’t need to win battles.
Spend 10 Forge Points
8 He said: “There’s a token hidden in the topmost chamber – inside a Black Tower – so please remember: bring me this token! And bring it unbroken! And if you do, you’ll fulfill my tender. 
Spend 5 Forge Points
Gather 150 supplies – Tips: finish 5 minutes production in production building or build and sell any cheap decoration
9 He said: “Here, take these supplies, and don’t be surprised, you’ll see that they’ll help survive whole winter. But be advised, don’t be hypnotized, by the shiny token and it’s glimmer.” 
Spend 5 Forge Points
In a production building, finish a 15-minute-production 20 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
10 “Thank you!”, I said, and promised to deliver the shiny token to my new questgiver 
Spend 5 Forge Points
Make people enthusiastic – Tips: use Enthusiasm boost in your Tavern
11 I returned to my farm, but only to warn – my children that I’d be gone for a while.
Spend 5 Forge Points
Build 1 cultural building from your age or 2 from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused cultural building there
12 I promised I’d be back, in a very short time, I knew they’s survive with the supplies just fine. 
Spend 5 Forge Points
In a production building, finish a 1-hour-production 25 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
13 The next morning I left, my children so kind, kissed them on the forehead and left them behind
Research a techonology OR have the first difficulty in the Guild Expedition solved
Spend 10 Forge Points
14 So I traveled the lands, ravaged by famine, deserted and empty and no pleasure to examine. 
Activate 1 boost in the Tavern OR spend 8 Forge Points
15 My goal was clear, a tower so black, I knew the way and there was no way back
Recruit 1 unit from your age or 2 units from the previous age – Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
Spend 5 Forge Points
16 On the horizon I saw how the tower loomed, like a spinteful thumb, so black and all doom. 
Spend 5 Forge Points
Finish 15 productions in production buildings from your age or 20 from the previous age – Tips: finish 5 minutes production in production building from your age or from previous age/era
17 One day I passed by a Graveyard in a grove – in the empty lands it seemed like a trove.
Spend 5 Forge Points
Visit 13 Friends’ Taverns
18 A mellow voice whispered: “Be our guest! You journey was long, come take a rest!”
Spend 5 Forge Points
Gather 70 goods by collecting or trading – Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for 20 goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
19 The Graveyard looked deserted, at least on first sight, but at night I witnessed a spooky green light. 
Spend 5 Forge Points
Build 4 Residential buildings from your age or 6 from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused residential building there
20 Then I heard voices, and smelled decay. I panicked, got up, and ran away. 
Gain control over a province OR solve 12 encounters in the Guild Expedition
Spend 10 Forge Points
21 Not until after I left the grove behind, I was able to get some peace of mind. 
Build 10 decorations – Tips: decoration can be from any age/era, tree from stone age is cheapest one
Motivate or polish 25 buildings of other players – Tips: aid 25 players
22 The horror was real and I knew by the hour, I must have been pretty close to the tower. 
Spend 5 Forge Points
Recruit 2 units from your age or 3 units from the previous age – Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
23 Long days of travel have led me here, I reached the Black Tower with a heart full of fear. 
Scout a province OR donate 700 goods either from your current era or the era below to the Guild Treasury
Spend 10 Forge Points
24 I looked up the tower, the vicious spire – there were bats, and spiders and blazing green fire. 
In a production building, finish a 8-hour-production 10 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
In a production building, finish a 4-hour-production 10 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
25 Then I opened the door, stepped in and ascended, black steps up the tower which never ended. 
Spend 5 Forge Points
Win 2 battles OR donate 30 goods either from your current era or the era below to the guild treasury
26 Hours of climbing brought me to the top. I opened the chamber, stepped in and stopped.
Build 1 goods building from your age or 2 from the previous age – Tips: you will need to have enough population available, so be prepared in advance OR you can delete one of your current goods building and rebuild it.
In a production building, finish a 15-minute-production 20 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
27 In the middle of the small and dusty room, there was a black pumpkin – a pumpkin of gloom 
Acquire 3 sectors without fighting– Tips: negotiate sectors
28 No further words needed to be spoken, I knew this pumpkin was the magical token.
Recruit 3 units from your age or 4 units from the previous age– Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
Gather 100 goods by collecting or trading– Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for 100 goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
29 I took the pumpkin, put it in a sack, then I fled from this place and never looked back.
Spend 5 Forge Points
Collect 1000 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern or by 15 Forge Points
30 When I passed by Graveyard, with careful eyes, it seemed as if it grown in size!
Research a technology
31 My journey home took only two days, like a dream of fever or a devilish race.
In a production building, finish the shortest production option 25 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town and finish 5 minutes production 25 times
Spend 5 Forge Points
32 My son and my daughter awaited me, with hugs and questions and faces of glee. 
Defeat 16 enemy units in battle OR donate 40 goods either from your current era or the era below to the guild treasury
Spend 5 Forge Points
33 The supplies from the beggar were enough indeed, but we didn’t have anymore pumpkin seeds.
Build 3 decorations from your age or 4 from the previous age
Spend 5 Forge Points
34 I remembered the pumpkin I took on my quest and I wondered if its seeds would stand the test
Spend 600 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR buy 8 Forge Points – Tips: in your Friends Tavern activate 30 minutes Attacker Boost
Spend 5 Forge Points
35 I opened the fruit, took out the loot, and planted seeds in my field to take root.
Scout a province
36 The plants came out strong, and the pumpkins grew round, the biggest pumpkins I ever found. The years past by quick, the pumpkins grew thick, and I became the richest farmer in town. 
In a production building, finish the shortest production option 15 times– Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town and produce 5-minutes production 15 times.
In a production building, finish a 1-hour-production 12 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
37  Years later a beggar came to our farm. He said “I’m very hungry, and not very warm. Could you help an old beggar?” I drew my dagger. “Get away from my farm, else I shall do you harm.”
Build 2 cultural buildings from your age or 3 from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused cultural building there
Make people enthusiastic – Tips: use Enthusiasm boost in your Tavern
38 Unbeknownst to me, the beggar was Edgar, the man who once helped us and I sent him away. But instead of leaving, he lifted his hood – then I saw his face and understood. 
Gather 100 goods by collecting or trading – Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for 100 goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
Motivate or polish 35 buildings of other players
39 He reminded me of our old pact. “The deed’s not fulfilled, the request’s intact. Your part is not yet delivered, you see. Now give me the token that you promised me.” 
Acquire 3 sectors by fight or negotiation
40 I told him, with shame, that old token is gone. I destroyed it to grow the pumpkin-spawn.
In a production building, finish a 15-minute-production 20 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
In a production building, finish a 4-hour production 12 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
41 I said: “Take our biggest pumpkin as sign of my guild, some food and some rest and some gold if you will.” 
Recruit 4 units from your age or 5 units from the previous age – Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
Solve any quest from the ‘Story’ tab
42 The old beggar laughed and stared at me. “You failed to keep your promise, you see. Before you can blink, I will cast a jinx, so you and your children will never be free.”
Win 5 battles without losing in between OR donate 100 goods either from your current era or the era below to the guild treasury
43 The beggar cursed us with a nasty spell, I can still se his face and still hear his yell. My kids became crows, my biggest foes, and I’m now the scarecrow you know so well. 
Activate 3 boosts in the Tavern OR spend 30 Forge Points– Tips: activate Extra turn 15 minutes boost 3 times if you don’t have enough forge points to spend
44 Every year anew, I watch my pumpkins grow, unable to move, only frozen in woe. And when it’s time for the harvest season, my crow-children come and then in treason, they destroy the pumpkins for no reason.
In a production building, finish a 1-hour-production 25 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
45 That’s my story, I hope you’re not sad – I might have exaggerated a tad. And as you know, nothings’ as it might seem. Especially not on Halloween. 
Gain control over a province

That’s it.