Forge of Empire Forge Spring Event 2018, quest lines and tips

Forge Of Empire Spring 2018

Click here for Spring Event 2020

Forge of Empire The Cherry Blossom Event 2018 is starting on March 28th to celebrate cherry blossom. Until April 19th you will have 62 quests to complete. You will be able to get a set of special buildings as a prize if it is first Spring Event for you, or you will receive upgrade kits if you already have this set from the previous year. The main currency of Spring Event is remain the same at it was during previous year FoE Spring Event – it is spring lanterns. You will receive 10-15 lanterns for completing each of quests. But there are also other ways to get lanterns. Continue reading “Forge of Empire Forge Spring Event 2018, quest lines and tips”

Forge of Empire Napoleon Bonaparte Historical event 2018 quest line and tips

Forge Of Empire, Napoleon Bonaparte Event, 2018

On 15th of March Napoleon Bonaparte Historical event is starting.  You must complete all quests by 20th of March and as reward you will receive a portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte and a new building in the Baroque Garden style: Royal Marble Gateway – it provides coins and an attack boost.

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Forge of Empire Forge Carnival Event 2018 quest line and tips

Forge of Empire Carnival Event 2018

On February 22nd, 2018 a Forge of Empire Carnival event is starting.  You will have time until March 12th, 2018 to solve all quests and collect all available Florin coins.  In addition to reward buildings from the last year Carnival event there are some additional building s to win or to buy with Carnival currency: Zanni Mask Statue (decoration), Renaissance Mansion (residential building), Gondola Dock Market (Multi-production Building), Grand Bridge (special upgradable building).

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Forge of Empire Rosa Parks historical questline, 2017

Forge of Empire Rosa Parks historical questline

New Forge of Empire historical questline – Rosa Parks – starts on 13th of November, 2017.

There are 12 quests to finish in one week by 20th of November, 2017. and you will be rewarded with portrait of Rosa Parks and Royal Cascade – a residential building that produces coins, provides happiness to your population and can be motivated to produce goods.

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Forge Of Empire: Summer Event 2017

Forge Of Empire Summer event, 2017

Click here for FoE Summer Event 2022 questlines and tips

On 28th of June Forge of Empire Summer Event 2017 starts. Official announcement is here.

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