Forge of Empire Cleopatra Historical event 2018 quest line and tips

On 26th of April Cleopatra Historical event is starting. You must complete all 12 quests by 1st of May and as reward you will receive a portrait of Cleopatra and a new building in the Baroque Garden style: Obelisk Garden – it provides coins and produces a Forge Point when motivated.

Here is list of all 12 quests with tips. Random prizes are given for any completed quest.

Quest # Quest line, tasks and tips
1 Ancient Historian! Cleopatra VII Philopator was born in 69 BC in Alexandria, and contrary to popular belief was in fact of Macedonian descent, not Egyptian. She was also a direct descendant of Ptolemy I, one of Alexander the Great’s generals.
Gather some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 465,000 coins in Oceanic Future era)
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 19 forge points in Oceanic Future era)
2 Cleopatra’s father passed away in 51BC, and so at the age of 18 the throne of Egypt passed to her and her younger brother, Ptolemy XIII
Research a technology OR Donate some goods (amount depends on age/era you are in. 300 goods in Oceanic Future era) – Tips: goods can be from any age or era
3 Cleopatra’s native language was Greek, but she also learned to speak eight other languages including Egyptian, Median, Parthian, Syriac, Ethiopian, Arabic, Hebrew, and even the language of the Troglodytae.
Acquire 2 sectors without fighting OR Solve 8 encounters in the Guild Expedition by negotiation – Tips: acquire sectors by negotiating
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 19 forge points in Oceanic Future era)
4 In 49BC, Cleopatra was expelled from Alexandria by her brother Ptolemy XIII and his advisors, and was forced to flee to Syria. She collected an army of mercenaries and returned a year later to face her brother. 
Recruit 5 units from your age or 6 from the previous age – Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
Pay some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 1,928,000 coins in Oceanic Future era)
5 Julius Caesar, on the back of securing a civil war victory, met with Cleopatra and was immediately captivated by her charm. With the aid of Caesar’s army, Cleopatra defeated her brother and regained her title of ruler of Egypt alongside her other brother, Ptolemy XIV
In a production building, finish 8-hour productions 10 times OR win 5 battles – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town OR you can win battles in Guild Expedition, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 27 forge points in Oceanic Future era)
6 In 46BC Cleopatra gave birth to Caesar’s child, whom they called Caesarion. A year later Cleopatra and her brother Ptolemy XIV traveled to see Caesar in Rome where he had ordered a gold-plated statue of her
Build 6 decorations from your current age or from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused decorations there
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 27 forge points in Oceanic Future era)
7 In 44BC Caesar was assassinated, and so Cleopatra and her brother returned home to Egypt. Shortly after this, Ptolemy XIV died of poisoning. This was likely ordered by Cleopatra herself with the aim of making her son Caesarion co-regent with her as Ptolemy XV
Motivate or polish 25 buildings of other players
Pay some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 300,000 supplies in Oceanic Future era)
8 In 41BC the new leaded of Caesar’s supporters, Marcus Antonius, summoned Cleopatra to meet with him in Tarsus. It was said that she arrived on a golden barge with purple sails rowed by silver oars. Cleopatra was made up to look like the goddess Aphrodite. Marcus Antonius was instantly enchanted! 
Activate 3 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR win 5 battles without losing– Tips: activate 30min Attacker boost 2 times and then coins boost 1 time in your Tavern. It is the best time and silver ratio OR you can win battles in Guild Expedition, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 38 forge points in Oceanic Future era)
9 Over the newt years, Cleopatra and Marcus Antonius began an intimate love affair and had two children together, the twins: Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene, named after the Greek personifications of the Sun and the Moon 
In a production building, finish 4-hour productions 24 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 38 forge points in Oceanic Future era)
10 Marcus Antonius decided to leave his legal wife Octavia and join Cleopatra in Egypt. Because of this betrayal , Octavia’s half-brother Octavius, new leader of the western half of the Roman empire, used this as an excuse to declare war on Cleopatra and Marcus Antonius. 
Infiltrate 5 sectors OR buy 10 Forge Points
Gather 150 Goods, e.g. from goods buildings of by trading– Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for 150 goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
11 Cleopatra and Marcus Antonius engaged Octavian in a battle on the Ionian Sea. The two sides remained at a standstill until for some reason Cleopatra fled, leading to their defeat.
Build 1 culture building from your age or from the previous age OR Gather some goods (Goods can be from any age/era, but amount depends on age/era you are in. 210 goods in Oceanic Future era) – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 53 forge points in Oceanic Future era)
12  According to popular belief, to avoid capture by the victor Octavian, Cleopatra committed suicide by enticing a venomous snake to bite her on the chest
Acquire a province
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 53 forge points in Oceanic Future era)