The latest Forge of Empires’ event – St. Patrick’s Day – is not about event quests. You most the time will spend by doing mini game tasks. These tasks are very important part of the game if you want to all selection kits of main prize of the event.
This post was written for 2020 event, but it is valid for 2023 event as well. Just ignore Celtic Forest Set and imagine it is written Druid Hut Set – the main prize of 2023 event.

Celtic Forest Set consist of 5 ugradable buildings. Two level 1 buildings (Majestic Fawn and Moon Gate) and one Celtic Forest Selection Kit (CFSK) you will get by completing all event’s quests.
You still need 3 CFSKs to build remaining 3 buildings and then another 5 CFSKs to level all your buildings to level 2. So in total you need 8 CFSKs
By my calculation it is not possible to get all 8 CFSKs needed without spending diamonds, but you can try to get at least 7CFSK’s.
You need Pots of Gold (PoG) to complete tasks. Use PoG only to hire and upgrade building managers and never use it on special action like Time Skip to gain Shamrocks.
PoG can be collected from quests, incidents and daily logins into game.
- At the start of event: 200 PoG
- Quests completion: 35 x 100 PoG + 21 x 150 PoG = 6,650 PoG
- Quests rewards: 750 PoG + 1,400 PoG = 2,150 PoG
- Daily logins: 22 x 100 PoG = 2,200 PoG
- Incidents: ~200 PoG (it is random number, but let’s expect at least this number)
At the end you should collect 11,400 PoG. Not much at all so you need to spend it wisely.
Cost of leveling managers
Here is at table how much cost to level managers of different buildings
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Festival Manager | 20 | 40 | 80 | 150 | 300 |
Shipyard Manager | 20 | 40 | 80 | 150 | 300 |
Flowers Factory | 20 | 40 | 60 | 100 | 200 |
Hat Factory | 10 | 20 | 30 | 50 | 100 |
Cake Factory | 30 | 60 | 90 | 50 | 100 |
Drinks Factory | 40 | 80 | 120 | 200 | 400 |
Fireworks Factory | 50 | 100 | 150 | 250 | 500 |
To save your precious PoG you should not go above Level 3 in any of buildings.
There are 3 towns with different set of 38 tasks.
Complete all the tasks except these – Upgrade your Shipyard Manager to Level 4 or Upgrade your Festival Manager to Level 4.
Here are the numbers how much PoG you need for completing tasks in each town (by skipping Shipyard Manager or Festival Manager leveling to Level 4):
- 940 PoG to complete tasks in Town #1
- 970 PoG to complete tasks in Town #2
- 830 PoG to complete tasks in Town #3
Move to the next town when you completed all tasks and have at least 1,900 PoG. You need 1,900 PoG to open all chests.

- First box is free
- Second 50 PoG
- Third 100 PoG
- Fourth 250 PoG
- Fifth 500
- Sixth 1,000
Total 1,900 PoG
Here what you can do with 11,400 PoG you have:
- Complete 37 tasks for town #1 (940 PoG) and open all six reward boxes (1,900 PoG)
- Complete 37 tasks for town #2 (970 PoG) and open all six reward boxes (1,900 PoG)
- Complete 37 tasks for town #3 (830 PoG) and open all six reward boxes (1,900 PoG)
- Complete 37 tasks for town #1 (940 PoG) and open all six reward boxes (1,900 PoG)
At this stage you should get 4 CFSKs for box opening and 2 CFSKs for completing 148 tasks.
This will cost you 11,280 PoG, so you still will have some PoG left and can start play at new town.
You need to complete another 27 tasks to get one more CFSKs. It is not guaranteed and depends on your luck how much PoG you will get from incidents in your main town.
So with some luck you should get 7 CFSKs by the end of this event without spending any diamonds.
Town #1 Tasks
1 | Hire a Manager |
2 | Upgrade your Hat Factory to Level 25 |
3 | Collect 50K (Thousand) Shamrocks |
4 | Hire a Manager for your Shipyard or Festival |
5 | Build a Flowers Factory |
6 | Upgrade your Festival Manager to Level 3 |
7 | Upgrade buildings 50 times |
8 | Collect 1M (Million) Shamrocks |
9 | Build a Cake Factory |
10 | Upgrade your Flowers Factory to Level 50 |
11 | Hire a Manager to automate your Cake Factory |
12 | Transport 250 M (Million) Goods with your ship |
13 | Upgrade your hat Factory to Level 100 |
14 | Upgrade your Flowers Factory Manager to Level 2 |
15 | Upgrade buildings 50 times |
16 | Generate 1B (Billion) Goods from your Factories |
17 | Build a Drinks Factory |
18 | Hire a Level 2 Manager for your Drinks Factory |
19 | Upgrade your Cake Factory to Level 50 |
20 | Upgrade buildings 50 times |
21 | Upgrade your Hat Factory Manager to Level 3 |
22 | Upgrade your Cake Factory Manager to Level 3 |
23 | Upgrade your Flowers Factory to Level 100 |
24 | Collect 50B (Billion) Shamrocks |
25 | Upgrade your Shipyard Manager to Level 4 (___ SKIP THIS ! ___) |
26 | Upgrade buildings 100 times |
27 | Transport 1T (Trillion) Goods with your ship |
28 | Hire a Level 2 Manager for your Fireworks Factory |
29 | Upgrade buildings 150 times |
30 | Upgrade your Cake Factory to Level 100 |
31 | Generate 4T (Trillion) Goods from your Factories |
32 | Generate 10B (Billion) Flowers from your Flowers Factory |
33 | Upgrade your Drinks Factory to Level 50 |
34 | Upgrade buildings 200 times |
35 | Upgrade your Hat Factory to Level 200 |
36 | Collect 16Q (Quadrillion) Shamrocks |
37 | Upgrade buildings 250 times |
38 | Upgrade Fireworks Factory to Level 75 |
Town #2 Tasks
1 | Hire a Manager for your Shipyard |
2 | Upgrade your Festival to Level 10 |
3 | Upgrade your Shipyard Manager to Level 3 |
4 | Generate 60K (Thousand) Hats from your Hat Factory |
5 | Build a Flowers Factory |
6 | Upgrade buildings 50 times |
7 | Upgrade Flower Factory Manager to Level 2 |
8 | Transport 15M (Million) Goods with your Ship |
9 | Build a Cake Factory |
10 | Upgrade your Cake Factory to Level 25 |
11 | Upgrade your Festival Manager to Level 3 |
12 | Upgrade buildings 100 times |
13 | Collect 99B (Billion) Shamrocks |
14 | Upgrade Hat Factory to Level 100 |
15 | Hire a Level 2 Manager for the Drinks Factory |
16 | Upgrade buildings 100 times |
17 | Generate 5T (Trillion) Drinks from your Drinks Factory |
18 | Hire a Level 3 Manager for your Cake Factory |
19 | Upgrade your Drinks Factory to Level 25 |
20 | Upgrade your Flower Factory to Level 100 |
21 | Collect 16TB (Trillion) Shamrocks |
22 | Build A Fireworks Factory |
23 | Upgrade Flowers Factory Manager to Level 3 |
24 | Upgrade buildings 150 times |
25 | Upgrade your Hat Factory to Level 200 |
26 | Transport 32T (Trillion) Goods with your Ship |
27 | Hire A Level 2 Manager for Fireworks Factory |
28 | Upgrade your Cake Factory to Level 100 |
29 | Generate 15T (Trillion) Cakes from your Cake Factory |
30 | Upgrade your Fireworks Factory to Level 50 |
31 | Upgrade buildings 150 times |
32 | Generate 50B (Billion) Flowers from your Flowers Factory |
33 | Upgrade your Flowers Factory to Level 200 |
34 | Upgrade your Shipyard to Level 300 |
35 | Upgrade your Shipyard Manager to Level 4 (___ SKIP THIS ! ___) |
36 | Collect 18Q (Quadrillion) Shamrocks |
37 | Generate 200B (Billion) Hats from your Hats Factory |
38 | Upgrade buildings 200 times |
Town #3 Tasks
1 | Hire a Manager to automate your Hat Factory |
2 | Upgrade your Shipyard to Level 10 |
3 | Generate 50K (Thousand) Hats from your Hat Factory |
4 | Hire a Manager to automate your Flowers Factory |
5 | Transport 3M (Million) Goods with your Ship |
6 | Upgrade buildings 50 times |
7 | Upgrade Flowers Factory to Level 25 |
8 | Upgrade Festival Manager to Level 2 |
9 | Build a Cake Factory |
10 | Upgrade your Flowers Factory Manager to Level 2 |
11 | Upgrade buildings 50 times |
12 | Collect 1B (Billion) Shamrocks |
13 | Upgrade Shipyard Manager to Level 3 |
14 | Upgrade your Cake Factory to Level 25 |
15 | Hire a Level 2 Manager for your Cake Factory |
16 | Generate 25B (Billion) Cakes from your Cake Factory |
17 | Upgrade your Hat Factory to Level 100 |
18 | Upgrade buildings 100 times |
19 | Build a Drinks Factory |
20 | Hire a Level 3 Manager for the Drinks Factory |
21 | Upgrade your Drinks Factory to Level 25 |
22 | Generate 3B (Billion) Flowers from your Flowers Factory |
23 | Upgrade your Festival Manager to Level 4 (___ SKIP THIS ! ___) |
24 | Upgrade buildings 100 times |
25 | Build a Fireworks Factory |
26 | Transport 30T (Trillion) Goods with your Ship |
27 | Upgrade your Flowers Factory to Level 150 |
28 | Hire a Level 2 Manager for your Fireworks Factory |
29 | Upgrade Drinks Factory to Level 50 |
30 | Upgrade buildings 150 times |
31 | Generate 10Q (Quadrillion) Fireworks from your Fireworks Factory |
32 | Upgrade your Cake Factory to Level 100 |
33 | Upgrade your Fireworks Factory to Level 50 |
34 | Upgrade your Hat Factory to Level 200 |
35 | Upgrade buildings 200 times |
36 | Collect 12A (Quadrillion) Shamrocks |
37 | Upgrade your Drinking Factory to Level 100 |
38 | Generate 10Q (Quadrillion) Drinks from Drinks factory |