Forge of Empires Summer Event 2020, quest lines and tips

Click here for FoE Summer Event 2022 questlines and tips

Forge of Empire Summer Event 2020 starts on 28th of July. Until 16th of August you will have 55 quests to complete. You will be able to get a new Grand prize – Governor’s villa. It is upgradable building up to level 10. Depending on it’s level, can provide Coins, Units, Supplies, Medals, Forge Points, Goods and even Diamonds. At level 10 when building is motivated you will get additional goods and Forge Points.

Prizes on the Wheel of Fortune are random, so you never know what kind of prizes you’ll see there after refresh.

To spin the Wheel of Fortune you need doubloons and there are three ways to get doubloons for free:

  1. You will be get some doubloons from the town hall just for login in – 1 doubloon everyday.
  2. Complete quests and you will be rewarded with one doubloon for completing each quest – 1 doubloon for each completed quest.
  3. Collect incidents around your city

Here is a short introduction to this year’s Summer event:

There are two questlines. There is daily quests line and you will receive a new quest each day. But before you need to finish another 34 quests line. Which can be completed in one day or may be not πŸ™‚ Meanwhile daily quests will stack and will waiting for you, when you’re done with the initial 34 quests.

Amounts listed in quests depend on age/era you are in. For example if there is quest – “Gather 400 – 560,000 supplies” – it means players in Stone age need to collect 400 supplies, but players in Space Age Asteroid Belt must gather 560,000 supplies.

Here is list of initial 34 quests:

Unfortunately the quests story is the same as previous year Summer event, so if it is not the first Summer quests for you the story won’t be interesting for you.

Quest #Quest line, tasks and tips
Pay some (2,000 – 2,416,000) coins
Spend some (6 – 23) Forge Points
Gather some (400 – 560,000) supplies
Defeat this very small army OR Solve this simple negotiation
Make people enthusiastic– Tips: use Enthusiasm boost in your Tavern
In a production building, finish a 15-minute production some (4 – 22) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
Spend some (7 – 27) Forge Points
Build 3 residential buildings from your age OR Build 4 residential buildings from the previous age– Tips: build 7 trees from Stone age
Buy 5 Forge Points
Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Defeat this small army– Tips: activate coins or supply 4 hours boost 2 times in your Tavern. It is cheapest boost
Pay some (2,000 – 2,416,000) coins
Recruit 3 units from your age OR Recruit 4 units from the previous age– Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
Pay some (1,400 – 1,200,000) supplies
Collect 5 incidents OR Finish 10 productions in production buildings from your age– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
Defeat this medium-sized army OR Contribute some (24 – 90) Forge Points to Great Buildings
Gather some (20 – 220) goods, e.g. From goods buildings or by trading– Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
Visit 15 Friends Taverns OR Solve this moderate negotiation
Finish some (2 – 12) productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish some (3 – 18) productions in production buildings from the previous age
Spend some (12 – 45) Forge Points
Win some (4 – 8) battles without losing OR Donate some (40 – 340) goods to the guild treasury– Tips: you can win battles in Guild Expedition, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors
Build 7 decorations– Tips: build 5 trees from Stone age
Motivate or polish 30 buildings of other players OR Gather some (800 – 1,120,000) supplies
In a production building, finish a 4-hour production some (4 – 24) times OR Pay some (3 – 20) [random] selected goods from your age– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
Pay some (3 – 20) [random] selected goods from the previous age
Recruit 3 units from your age OR Recruit 4 units from the previous age– Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
Spend some (12 – 45) Forge Points
In a production building, finish a 15-minute production some (4 – 24) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
Gather some (1,200 – 1,320,000) coins
Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age– Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused residential building there
Solve this moderate negotiation OR Solve 5 encounters in the Guild Expedition
Pay some (3,000 – 3,624,000) coins
Spend 500 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR Buy 10 Forge Points
In a production building, finish a 1-hour production some (2 – 14) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
Scout a province OR Defeat this large army
Exchange 2 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR In a production building, finish a 8-hour production some (2 – 10) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
Gather some (1,000 – 1,400,000) supplies
Win some (4 – 16) battles OR In a production building, finish a 24-hour production some (2 – 12) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
Gather some (24 – 264) goods, e.g. From goods buildings or by trading OR Donate some (40 – 340) goods to the guild treasury– Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
Spend some (14 – 54) Forge Points
Visit 15 Friends Taverns OR Defeat this small army– Tips: defeat enemy units in GE battles, on Continent map or in fights with your neighbours. You DON’T need to win a battle.
Motivate or polish 45 buildings of other players OR Solve this moderate negotiation
Solve this moderate negotiation OR Defeat some (15 – 68) Units– Tips: defeat enemy units in GE battles, on Continent map or in fights with your neighbours. You DON’T need to win a battle.
Pay some (1400 – 1,200,000) supplies
Acquire some (1 – 2) sectors by fighting OR Donate some (50 – 430) goods to the guild treasury
Collect 3 incidents OR Exchange 2 items in the Antiques Dealer building
Gather some (30 – 330) goods, e.g. From goods buildings or by trading– Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
Defeat this small army OR Solve this moderate negotiation
Pay some (5 – 40} [random] selected goods from your age OR Pay some (5 – 40) [random] selected goods from the previous age
Defeat some (15 – 68) Units OR Donate some (60 – 510) goods to the guild treasury– Tips: defeat enemy units in GE battles, on Continent map or in fights with your neighbours. You DON’T need to win a battle.
Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Infiltrate 4 sectors
Buy 3 Forge Points
Finish 15 productions in a production buildings from your age OR Finish 18 productions in a production buildings from the previous age
Pay some (2,100 – 1,800,000) supplies
Build 1 goods building from your age OR Gather some (30 – 330) goods, e.g. From goods buildings or by trading– Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
Gather some (2,000 – 2,200,000) coins
In a production building, finish a 4-hour production some (3 – 18) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
Spend some (12 – 45) Forge Points
Gain control over a province OR Solve 12 encounters in the Guild Expeditions– Tips: you can win battles in Guild Expedition, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors

Daily quests

Quest #Quest line, tasks and tips
35 (Jul 28)
Build 1 culture building from your age OR Build 2 culture buildings from the previous age– Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused cultural building there
Gain some (45 – 22,500) total population– Tips: build and sell military building
36 (Jul 29)
Gather some (50 – 550) goods, e.g. From goods buildings or by trading OR Donate some (40 – 340) goods to the guild treasury– Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
Gather some (600 – 840,000) supplies
37 (Jul 30)
Win some (3 – 12) battles OR Collect 1,200 Tavern Silver
Spend some (12 – 45) Forge Points
38 (Jul 31)
Defeat this medium-sized army OR Solve this moderate negotiation
In a production building, finish a 15-minute production some (3 – 18) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
39 (Aug 1)
Exchange 4 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR In a production building, finish a 24-hour production some (4 – 24) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
40 (Aug 2)
Recruit 5 units from your age OR Solve this moderate negotiation– Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
Pay some (2,100 – 1,800,000) supplies
41 (Aug 3)
Defeat this medium-sized army OR Collect 2,000 Tavern Silver
Pay some (5 – 40) [random] selected goods from your age OR Pay some (5 – 40) [random] selected goods from the previous age
42 (Aug 4)
In a production building, finish a 1-hour production some (4 – 24) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
Gather some (2,000 – 2,200,000) coins
43 (Aug 5)
Complete 7 guild expedition encounters by fighting OR Acquire some (1 – 2) sectors without fighting– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
44 (Aug 6)
Spend 400 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR In a production building, finish a 24-hour production some (2 – 12) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
Buy 5 Forge Points
45 (Aug 7)
Defeat some (15 – 68) units OR Solve this complex negotiation– Tips: defeat enemy units in GE battles, on Continent map or in fights with your neighbours. You DON’T need to win a battle.
46 (Aug 8)
Collect 3 incidents OR Visit 15 Friends Taverns
In a production building, finish a 5-minute production some (4 – 24) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
47 (Aug 9)
Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age– Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused production building there
Spend some (18 – 68) Forge Points
48 (Aug 10)
Donate some (50 – 430) goods to the guild treasury OR In a production building, finish a 8-hour production some (3 – 18) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
49 (Aug 11)
Win some (4 – 8) battles without losing OR Solve this moderate negotiation
Pay some (5,000 – 6,040,000) coins
50 (Aug 12)
Have the first difficulty in the Guild Expedition solved OR Defeat this large army– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
51 (Aug 13)
Pay some (5 – 40) [random] selected goods from your age OR Pay some (5 – 40) [random] selected goods from the previous age
Gather some (2,500 – 2,750,000) coins
52 (Aug 14)
Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Win some (3 – 6) battles without losing
Pay some (2,100 – 1,800,000) supplies
53 (Aug 15)
Build 1 goods building from your age OR Gather some (40 – 440) goods, e.g. from goods buildings or by trading– Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
Finish a 4-hour production some (2 – 12) times in a production building– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
54 (Aug 16)
Exchange 3 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR In a production building, finish a 8-hour production some (2 – 12) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
Pay some (5 – 40) [random] selected goods from your age OR Pay some (5 – 40) [random] selected goods from the previous age– Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for goods on the market. Age isn’t matter