Forge of Empires Summer Event 2018, quest lines and tips

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Forge of Empire Summer Event 2018 is starting on 2nd of August. Until 23rd of August you will have 61 quests to complete. You will be able to get a new set of Caribbean-themed buildings as a prize – The Ship (upgradable to The Royal Ship, The Trader Ship and The Pirate Ship) and special buildings – Hammock, Sunken Treasure, Stranded Boat. Spin the Wheel of Fortune to win prizes. But Wheel of Fortune is shared with your neighbors so be quick then you’ll see a prize you want to get. Or press Refresh & Spin button in case you don’t see any valuable prizes available.

Prizes on the Wheel of Fortune are random, so you never know what kind of prizes you’ll see there after refresh.

To spin the Wheel of Fortune you need doubloons and there are two [free] ways to get doubloons:

  1. You will be get some doubloons from the town hall just for login in.
  2. Complete quests and you will be rewarded with one doubloon for completing each quest.

Here is also short introduction to this year’s Summer event

There are two questlines. There is daily quests line and you will receive a new quest each day. But before you need to finish another 30 quests line. Which can be completed in one day or may be not πŸ™‚ Meanwhile daily quests will stack and will waiting for you, when you’re done with the initial 30 quests.

Here is list of initial 40 quests:

Quest #Quest line, tasks and tips
1Ahoy Matey! I’m the Governonr here on Forge Island. You’ve arrived just in time for the annual Summer festival. Why not take a spin on the mysterious “Wheel of Fortune’ and see what rewards she has in store for you?
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 12 FPs in Virtual Future era)
2All the prizes on the wheel are up for grabs, but you should act quickly, other pirates round these parts will try and snatch them first.
In a production building, finish the shortest production option 22 times – Tips: finish 5 minutes production 22 times in production building. Build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town to finish this quest quicker
Make people enthusiastic – Tips: use Enthusiasm boost in your Tavern
3You can refresh the wheel at any time and echange the available prizes for a whole set of new ones. But be warned, all the pirates round these parts share the same wheel, so someone could swap the whole thing whilst you’re still seeking out your treasure
Motivate or polish 30 buildings of other players
Gather some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 535,000 coins in Virtual Future era) – Tips: build and sell a building to get back coins quickly
4With each spin, you’ll also come across lost map pieces. Some wheel prizes will give you more map pieces than others.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 16 FPs in Virtual Future era)
Gather some goods, from goods buildings or by trading (amount depends on age/era you are in.  160 goods in Virtual Future era) – Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
5Yer new round these parts, aye? If yer looking’ for real treasure, ye won’t find it anywhere on this island. If it’s rewards and adventure ye seek, meet me in The Salty Dog Tavern later.
Recruit 4 units – Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition or build Spearfighter barack an recruit 4 spearfighters
6Years ago, there was a roguish and daring pirate captain by the name of Kate Hayward, she was the most cunning and skillful pirate to ever sail the seven seas. One day, she and her crew came across a sunken galleon, full to the brim with gold.
Visit 25 Friends Taverns OR Spend 20 Forge Points
Build 1 cultural building from your age or 2 from the previous age– Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused cultural building there
7It took Captain Hayward and her crew 2 straight weeks to collect all the gold from the sunken wreck and haul it up onto her ship, The Narwhal.
Collect 1,000 Tavern Silver OR Buy 8 Forge Points
8By the time The Narwhal finally set sail again, the crew were exhausted. Running dangerously low on supplies, they decided to sail to the nearby port of Dagger Bay and rest up.
Defeat 20 units OR Acquire 2 sectors without fighting– Tips: defeat enemy units in GE battles, on Continent map or in fights with your neighbours. You don’t need to win a battle
9It didn’t take long for the news of Captain Hayward’s presence on the island to reach Bloodbeard, and what’s more, the rumors about her newfound fortune. As the clock struck midnight, Bloodbeard and his crew burst into the tavern, and in response, silence filled the room.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 32 FPs in Virtual Future era)
In a production building, finish a 4 hour production 15 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
10Captain Hayward knew that she was surrounded and that she would not be able to run. She also knew that Blood beard had a soft sport for wagers and so she challenged him to a game of cards.
Build 4 decorations from your age or from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused decorations there
Gather some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 310,000 supplies in Virtual Future era)) – Tips: build and sell a building to get back supplies.
11Bloodbeard accepted this offer. Hand after hand Kate won, allowing her crew to return safely to their ship until it was just her left there alone.
Spend 450 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR Spend 12 Forge Points
12Captain Hayward agreed and rowed out with Bloodbeard and his crew to The Narwhal. When they arrived, Captain Hayward’s crew was nowhere to be seen. “It seems your crew have abandoned ye, Kate”, Bloodbeard chuckled.
Acquire 3 sectors without fighting OR Complete 6 Guild Expedition encounters by negotiating – Tips: negotiate sectors
13True to the rumors of Bloodbeard claiming both treasure and lives, he then instructed Captain Hayward to walk to the end of the ship’s plank as he waited for his men to return with the treasure
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 FPs in Virtual Future era)
In a production building, finish a 4 hour production 12 times– Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
14Captain Hayward swam to a nearby cove where her was waiting the treasure aboard Bloodbeard’s own ship, The Damnation. As they sailed away they saw the Narwhal explode in the distance.
Motivate or polish 40 buildings of other players
Gain some happiness (amount depends on age/era you are in. 15,000 happiness in Virtual Future era) – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused decorations there. If you don’t have much free space in you town – build and sell it on the same spot
15They sailed for six days on The Damnation until they had found an island that was remote enough to keep the treasure hidden
Build 1 goods buildings from your age or 2 from the previous age OR Recruit 6 units – Tips: build Spearfighter Barracks(Bronze age) and recruit 6 spearfighters
16They arrived back at The Damnation and set sail to return home. However, it didn’t take long before Bloodbeard discovered and intercepted them on their journey.
In a production building, finish an 8 hour production 10 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Visit 20 Friends Taverns OR Motivate or polish 40 buildings of other players
17Captain Hayward knew that they would have no chance of winning this battle, so she told her crew to lay down their swords as Bloodbeard and his men began to board the ship.
Buy some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 6 Forge Points in Virtual Future era)
Pay some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 1,400,400 coins in Virtual Future era)
18When It was only Captain Hayward remaining, Bloodbeard demanded that she reveal the location where she had hidden the treasure. Kate knew that Bloodbeard would force her to walk the plank either way and so she refused. In a fit of anger, Bloodbeard threw her overboard.
Win 6 battles OR Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern– Tips: you can win battles in Guild Expedition, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors
Finish 15 productions in production buildings from your age or 20 from the previous age
19Bloodbeard approached the girl and asked if she had seen what he did. The girl nodded. “Good,” he said. “If you make it back home, tell everyone what you saw here today”.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 Forge Points in Virtual Future era)
Win 5 battles without losing OR Acquire 2 sectors without fighting – Tips: you can win battles in Guild Expedition, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors
20I even have proof that the story is true. You see, I have in my possession Captain Hayward’s map, revealing the location of her lost treasure. I want to go and find the treasure, but I don’t yet have any means to get there.
Build 1 production building from your age or 2 from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused production building there
Pay some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 600,000 supplies in Virtual Future era)
21It has come to my attention that you’re looking for a ship. Now ordinarily, I would recommend you go and see One-Tooth Pete down by the docks. If you mention my name, he’ll find you a seaworthy bargain. but I’ve also heard that you’ve been seen talking to Crazy Jane.
In a production building, finish one of each production options once – Tips: finish once each of 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours, 8 hours and 24 hours production in production building
22Great, you got us a ship! Doesn’t look like much, bu I’m sure she’ll do the job! Now all we need is a crew that is willing to join us. You’d be better off doing the recruiting. People usually tend to try to avoid me.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 forge points in Virtual Future era)
Gather some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 802,500 coins in Virtual Future era) – Tips: build and sell a building to get back coins
23The sea voyage to the hidden treasure will probably take couple of weeks, so we’ll need at least 5 crew members and a bunch of supplies before we depart.
Recruit 3 units from your age or from the previous age – Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
24You’re looking for a crew now? I hope you’ve not fallen for Jane’s childish nonsense. There’s no real hidden treasure, no matter, how much she wishes it were true.
Buy 6 Forge Points
Acquire 1 sector OR donate 120 goods to the Guild Treasury
25If you’re serious about recruiting some crew members for an expedition, head down to The Salty Dog Tavern, there’s always willing privateers in there itching to get back out to sea.
In a production building, finish a 4-hour production 20 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Win 8 battles OR Donate 100 goods of your current or previous era to the Guild Treasury – Tips: you can win battles in Guild Expedition, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors
26Jane: You managed to get a whole crew. The treasure will be ours in no time. I hope everyone else is as excited as I am.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 forge points in Virtual Future era)
Defeat 20 units OR Motivate or polish 40 buildings of other players – Tips: defeat enemy units in GE battles, on Continent map or in fights with your neighbours. You don’t need to win a battle
27Jane: The ship is really coming together, we should probably give her a name. What do you think, Mr. Squakins?
Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Infiltrate 4 sectors – Tips: activate Extra turn 15 minutes boost 2 times
Buy 3 Forge Points
28Jane: We should be ready to st sail any day now. We just need to stock up on supplies for the journey, it’s going to be a long trip and we don’t want to run out of food.
Gather some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 620,000 supplies in Virtual Future era) – Tips: build and sell a building to get back supplies.
Visit 20 Friends Taverns OR Buy 5 Forge Points
29Governor: You’re actually going through wit it? You’re not doing that any good by encouraging her. Although I suppose if she sees for herself that the treasure isn’t real, may be she can finally put all of this nonsense to rest.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 forge points in Virtual Future era)
Build 1 residential building from your age or 2 from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused residential building there
30Jane: Ready? Then let’s set sail to the open seas, off on our own journey for adventure and fortune.
Acquire a province OR Donate 300 goods to the Guild Treasury– Tips: win or negotiate all sectors in a province

Daily quests

Quest #Quest line, tasks and tips
31Jane: First day embarking on our journey to retrieve the lost treasure of Captain Hayward. The crew seems to be in high spirits, let’s hope this keeps up.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 20 forge points in Virtual Future era)
Gather some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 802,500 coins in Virtual Future era) – Tips: build and sell a building to get back coins
32Jane: I still can’t believe that we’re actually going to find the treasure. I can’t thank you enough for helping me find the ship and crew. It seems fortune has really been on our side lately.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 20 forge points in Virtual Future era)
In a production building, finish the shortest production option 30 times – Tips: finish 5 minutes production 30 times in production building. Build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town to finish this quest quicker
33Jane: There is a ship heading towards us, but I have no idea if it;s hostile. Prepare the cannons and be ready to fire on my mark
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 20 forge points in Virtual Future era)
Buy 7 Forge Points
34Jane: The approaching ship turned out to just be travellinghisp salesmen trying to sell us a ship. I have no idea why they’re trying to sell ships to people in the middle of the ocean. Maybe they need to re-think their business strategy.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 20 forge points in Virtual Future era)
Gather some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 310,000 supplies in Virtual Future era) – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused residential building there
35Jane: Not much to report today. In fact, the sea seems quite calm. Perhaps a little too calm.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 20 forge points in Virtual Future era)
Win 5 battles without losing OR Acquire 2 sectors without fighting – Tips: you can win battles in Guild Expedition, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors OR negotiate sectors
36Jane: I was right to be cautious, there’s a storm on the horizon, and it looks to be a big one. We’d better get prepared.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 20 forge points in Virtual Future era)
Collect 750 Tavern Silver OR Donate 75 goods to the Guild Treasury
Complete the 1st difficulty level in the Guild Expeditons OR Infiltrate 5 sectors of the Campaign Map
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in)
Motivate or polish 30 buildings of other players
39Jane: Our food stores seem to be going down very quickly. Some of the other crew members say that they think Jonesy, the chef, has been stashing food underneath his bed. May be you can look into it?
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 forge points in Virtual Future era)
In a production building, finish a 1 hour production 30 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
40Jane: Turns out that Jonesy wasn’t stashing food under his bed, he was hiding his collection of teddy bears. We still need to figure out why the food keeps disappearing, the crew are starting to be quite agitated.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 forge points in Virtual Future era)
Recruit 3 units from your age or the previous age – Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
41Jane: Today we found a rat in the food storage cupboard, it seems it has been helping itself to our food for the past week. I have no idea how it managed to get on board though
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 forge points in Virtual Future era)
Pay some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 600,000 supplies in Virtual Future era)
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in)
Build 1 military building from your age or the previous age
43Jane: We’ve arrived at the island! The crew can stay here and guard the ship whilst you and I row out to the shore.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 forge points in Virtual Future era)
Gather 240 goods from goods buildings or by trading – Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for 120 goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
44Jane: So according to the map we should just follow the dotted line straight to the treasure.
Scout a province OR In a production building, finish a 24 hour production 10 times
45Jane: It feels like we’ve been trekking for days through this jungle. I wonder if it was this overgrown when Captain Hayward first came here.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 60 forge points in Virtual Future era)
Finish 15 productions in production buildings from your age or 30 from the previous age – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
46Jane: I think this is it. Yes, we’ve found the location! Let’s start digging!
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 60 FPs in Virtual Future era)
47Jane: It’s actually here! The treasure IS real, and it’s all ours!
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 60 FPs in Virtual Future era)
Buy 7 Forge Points
48Ahoy Matey! Congratulations, ye found the missing treasure. I can’t thank ye enough for leading me all the way here!
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 60 forge points in Virtual Future era)
Spend 1,000 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR Win 3 battles without losing
49Governon: So, what will it be, Jane? I’ll give ye the same other as I did your mother… Yer treasure or yer life?
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 60 forge points in Virtual Future era)
Gather some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 535,000 coins in Virtual Future era) – Tips: build and sell a building to get back coins
50Avast Ye! quickly, we can’t let Bloodbeard take the treasure. I’ve lost too much already.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 60 forge points in Virtual Future era)
In a production building, finish an 8 hour production 10 times
51Finally, that’s the last of it on board. I hope The Pretty Parrot is strong enough to carry all this weight.
Acquire a province OR Donate 250 goods either from your current era or the era below to the Guild Treasury – Tips: win or negotiate all sectors in a province