Click here for FoE Fall Event 2022 quests and tips
From 19th of September Forge of empire Fall event 2016 starts. Players will need to pickup apples which can be exchanged for various random prizes.
There good prizes in this event. But you’ll need some luck to get the best ones. These prizes can be obtained by opening baskets. There are two baskets which cost you 75 or 100 apples to open one of them.

- 100 Diamonds
- 2 Observatory Blueprints
- 90-120 Apples
- Champion
- Champion’s Retreat
- Extra Large Coin Package
- Extra large Supplies Package
- Hall of Fame
- Large Coin Package
- Large Forge Point Package
- Large medal Package
- Large Supplies Package
- Observatory Blueprint
- One Up kit
- Renovation Kit
- Rogue
- Shrine of Awe
- Shrine of Inspiration
- Shrine of Knowledge
- Store building
- Tiger’s Den
- Victory Tower
- Watchfire
- Wishing Well
Additionally to these prizes player will get Portrait Bernard and new production building Cider Mill for completing questline.
Apples are the main currency of this event and they can be earned in different ways.
- Aid your FoE friends, guild members and neighbors. Every time you do that you have a chance to plan an apple tree into wilderness around their city. You will earn one apple for every planted tree.
- Collect apples from the trees your friends, guild members or neighbors planted around your city.
Forge of Empire Fall Event 2016 apple tree This is there you’ll get most of your apples. It can be from 7 up to 50 apples on the tree. So it is very important to do #1 and aid your friends and neighbors. You will help them and they will help you. Apple trees expires in 24 hours, so you must log in into the game at least once per day.
- Complete questline tasks. Each day there is a new task to complete. There are 16 tasks in Fall questline. For each completed task player will get 10-17 apples.
Event’s questline must be finished by 5th of October, 2016. There 16 quests to be done by then.
Quest # | Quest line, tasks and tips |
1 | Falling Leaves. I do love when the leaves turn yellow. It reminds me of gold. And speaking of gold, we can make a pretty penny during this harvest season! Well, why are you still here? Let’s get to it! |
Motivate or polish 27 buildings | |
Gather 2500 supplies | |
2 | Apple Investment. My little investment in that apple farm will surely pay off. the apples are ripe for the picking and I’m ready to reap the profits! |
Spend 12 Forge Points | |
Finish 25 productions in production buildings | |
3 | Apple picking party. Your Majesty! I have a brilliant idea: we’ll have an apple picking festival. We’ll charge admission for people to come pick their own apples at the apple farm! |
Gather 30 goods | |
Finish 1-hour production 30 times | |
4 | Sprucing Up. The place needs to look more inviting. Thake care of that for me, will you? |
Build 3 decorations from your age or 4 from the previous age | |
5 | Appealing Advantage. Word is spreading fast about the apple picking festival and it sounds lik the whole city will attend. Perhaps there are other business opportunities we can take advantage of here. |
Scout a province | |
6 | Core Business. If we’are going to have a festival, we should invite some vendors to sell their goods at the apple farm. Of course, we’ll charge them a small fee to set up shop at our festival. |
Finish each of the production options once | |
Buy 6 Forge Points | |
7 | Admission Process. It would be prudent to have an admission gate. Please check if General Grivus could lend us some of his units for this. |
Recruit 6 units from your age or 8 units from the previous age | |
8 | Apple Pie. An old business partner, who is the best baker I know, agreed to sell his famous apple pie at the festival. We could use a few more vendors, though. |
Infiltrate 4 sectors | |
Spend 15 Forge Points | |
9 | Insider Information. I think apple cider would be a big hit at the festival. You wouldn’t happen to know a cider maker, would you? |
Plunder 4 buildings or acquire 1 sector | |
Gather 50 goods | |
10 | Bobbing for Apples. I imagine plenty of children will attend the festival too. I suppose we should have something entertaining for them. Bobbing for apples you say? Good idea! |
Contribute 25 Forge Points to Great Buildings or research a technology | |
11 | Official Flyer. So far, there has only been word of mouth about the apple picking festival. I made these flyers to make it more official. Please help me put these up around the city. |
Motivate or polish 51 buildings | |
Spend 16 Forge Points | |
12 | Ample Space. There’s even more of a buzz now after putting up the flyers. We need more space to accommodate all these people! |
Acquire 2 sectors without fighting | |
Sell any 4 buildings | |
13 | Final Touches. We are almost ready to open the gates, but there are a few more things to prepare. Lend me a hand, will you? |
Build 3 residential buildings from your age or 4 from the previous age. | |
14 | Festival Frenzy. The attendance is better than I expected! I hope there are enough apple to go around. |
Finish an 8-hour productions 10 times | |
Have 12 units | |
15 | A Festival to Fall For. This apple picking festival is providing to be a big success. I’am already thinking of acquiring another apple farm for next year. |
Gain control over a province. | |
16 | Fall Finale. That must’ve been one of my best ideas yer. I had so much fun I almost forgot about the incredible profit I made! now comes the clean up. I’m sure I can depend on your help with that. |
Spend 18 forge points | |
Finish 1-hour productions 50 times |