Forge of Empires Fall 2022 event questline and tips

On 4th of October Forge of Empires Fall event 2022 starts. Players will take part in baking competition: you will need to collect the ingredients and bake as many receipts as possible. Until 17th of October you have to complete all the quests.

There are 4 ways to get ingredients you need:

  • 1 ingredient for visiting FoE game daily (1 x 14 = 14)
  • 2 ingredient for completing event quests (2 x 47 = 94)
  • 2 ingredient for completing daily quests (2 x 14 = 28)
  • At least 1 ingredient daily can be found in incidents around the city ( 1 x 14 = 14)

Also you will get additional ingredients for completing 17 and 37 quests (5 + 15 = 20)

So at the end of event you should expect to have ~170 ingredients if all event and daily quests are completed.

Here is a screenshot on the last day how much ingredients I collected during 2022 event.

ingredients collected in Forge Of Empires Fall Event 2022

I always spending ingredients on the last day as you can spend them in more optimal way. In total I collected 199 ingredients. Incidents were very generous this year πŸ™‚

Here is also short introduction to this Fall event

You will get 54 quests that you can complete right away (as two parallel questlines – the second one will show up after completing the first four quests). Once you’ve completed all of them, you will be getting one quest per day, for the remainder of the event. You will probably have a few of them stacked when you get to them, as they start stacking up starting on day one.

It will be 75 quests in total.

You will get 2 ingredient (an apple, pumpkin, cinnamon, caramel or chocolate) for each finished quest.

First four quests

Quest #Quest line, tasks and tips
Gather some (300 – 540,000) supplies
Recruit 3 units from your age OR Recruit 4 units from the previous age– Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused residential building there
Build 2 residential buildings from your age OR Build 3 residential buildings from the previous age
Spend some (12 – 48) Forge Points
Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Solve this simple negotiation– Tips: activate coins or supply 4 hours boost 2 times in your Tavern. It is cheapest boost
Gather some (20 – 240) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading

Two parallel quests

There are two parallel quest lines, so actual quests can appear in different order then they are listed here. It depends on which quest line you are solving faster

Quest #Quest line, tasks and tips
Build 1 military building from your age OR Acquire 1 sector without fighting– Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused military building there
Spend some (12 – 48) Forge Points
Defeat this small army OR Solve this moderate negotiation
Gather some (20 – 240) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading
Pay some (1,400 – 1,440,000) supplies
Gather some (1,500 – 2,025,000) coins
Win some (2 – 4) battles without losing OR Acquire 2 sectors without fighting– Tips: you can win battles in Guild Expedition, in Guild Battlegrounds, in Guild Continent Map, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors
Spend some (12 – 48) Forge Points
Spend some (6 – 25) Forge Points
Recruit 7 units– Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition OR build Spearfighter Barracks and recruit/delete as much spearfighters as you need
Exchange 2 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR In a production building, finish a 8-hour production some (2 – 10) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
Gather some (1,000 – 1,800,000) supplies
Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Infiltrate 3 sectors
Pay some (1,400 – 1,440,000) supplies
Finish 18 productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish 20 productions in production buildings from the previous age
Defeat some (15 – 72) Units OR Solve this moderate negotiation– Tips: defeat units in GE battles, in Guild Battlegrounds, on Continent map or in fights with your neighbours. You DON’T need to win a battle.
Gather some (30 – 360) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading
Finish a 1-hour production some (3 – 19) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
Spend some (14 – 58) Forge Points
Defeat this very small army OR Solve this moderate negotiation
In a production building finish a 15-minute production some (2 – 14) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
Gather some (2,000 – 2,700,000) coins
Gain control over a province OR Solve 12 encounters in the Guild Expeditions
Build 1 goods building from your age OR Gather some (50 – 600) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading
In a production building finish a 5-minute production some (2 – 12) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
Contribute some (6 – 24) Forge Points to Great Buildings OR Defeat this very small army
Recruit 7 units– Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition OR build Spearfighter Barracks and recruit/delete as much spearfighters as you need
Quest #Quest line, tasks and tips
Finish an 8-hour production some (3 – 18) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
Win some (4 – 10) battles without losing OR Donate some (50 – 430) goods to the guild treasury– Tips: you can win battles in Guild Expedition, in Guild Battlegrounds, in Guild Continent Map, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors
Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age
Motivate or Polish 20 buildings of other players
Acquire some (1 – 2) sectors OR Finish a 24-hour production some (2 – 12) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
Gather some (1,500 – 2,025,000) coins
Donate some (20 – 170) goods to the guild treasury OR Spend some (18 – 72) Forge Points
In a production building, finish a 5-minute production some (2 – 14) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
Solve 5 encounters in the Guild Expeditions OR Solve this moderate negotiation
Research a technology OR Donate some (80 – 680) goods to the guild treasury
Gather some (24 – 288) goods e.g.from goods buildings or by trading OR Donate some (40 – 340) goods to the guild treasury
Spend some (14 – 58) Forge Points
Defeat this small army OR Solve this moderate negotiation
Pay some (2,000 – 2,966,000) coins
Build 1 culture building from your age OR Build 2 culture buildings from the previous age– Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused cultural building there
Finish 15 productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish 20 productions in production buildings from the previous age
Solve this complex negotiations OR Defeat some (10 – 48) Units– Tips: defeat units in GE battles, in Guild Battlegrounds, on Continent map or in fights with your neighbours. You DON’T need to win a battle.
Spend some (6 – 25) Forge Points
Solve 6 encounters in the Guild Expeditions OR Acquire some (1 – 2) sectors
Pay some (1,400 – 1,440,000) supplies
Solve 6 encounters in the Guild Expeditions OR In a production building, finish a 24-hour production some (2 – 12) times
Pay some (1,400 – 2,076,200) coins
Donate some (60 – 510) goods to the guild treasury OR Defeat some (8 – 38) Units– Tips: defeat units in GE battles, in Guild Battlegrounds, on Continent map or in fights with your neighbours. You DON’T need to win a battle.
Gather some (900 – 1,530,000) supplies

Daily quests

Quest #Quest line, tasks and tips
34 (Oct 4)
Build 3 culture buildings from your age OR Win some (4 – 16) battles– Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused cultural building there OR you can win battles in Guild Expedition, in Guild Battlegrounds, in Guild Continent Map, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors
Spend some (12 – 48) Forge Points
35 (Oct 5)
Defeat this medium-sized army OR Solve this complex negotiations
Gather some (20 – 240) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading
36 (Oct 6)
In a production building, finish a 5-minute production some (5 – 30) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
37 (Oct 7)
Visit 10 Friends Taverns OR Motivate or Polish 25 buildings of other players
Pay some (4,000 – 5,932,000) coins
38 (Oct 8)
Solve 7 encounters in the Guild Expeditions OR Acquire some (2 – 4) sectors
39 (Oct 9)
Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age– Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused production building there
Gather some (1,000 – 1,800,000) supplies
40 (Oct 10)
Build 1 goods building from your age OR Gather some (2,500 – 3,375,000) coins
Finish each production option once– Tips: finish once each of 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours, 8 hours and 24 hours production in production building
41 (Oct 11)
Win some (4 – 10) battles without losing OR Solve this moderate negotiation– Tips: you can win battles in Guild Expedition, in Guild Battlegrounds, in Guild Continent Map, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors
Spend some (17 – 67) Forge Points
42 (Oct 12)
Exchange 3 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR In a production building, finish an 8-hour production some (2 – 12) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
Pay some (5 – 40) goods from your age OR Pay some (5 – 40) goods from the previous age
43 (Oct 13)
Have the first difficulty in the Guild Expedition solved OR Defeat this large army
44 (Oct 14)
Finish 10 productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish 12 productions in production buildings from the previous age
Pay some (2,100 – 2,160,000) supplies
45 (Oct 15)
Gather some (50 – 600) goods e.g. from goods buildings or by trading
Pay some (1,700 – 1,728,000) supplies
46 (Oct 16)
Win some (3 – 12) battles OR Collect 1200 Tavern Silver– Tips: you can win battles in Guild Expedition, in Guild Battlegrounds, in Guild Continent Map, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors
Spend some (12 – 48) Forge Points
47 (Oct 17)
Solve this moderate negotiation OR Defeat this medium-sized army– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town
In a production building, finish a 15-minute production some (3 – 18) times– Tips: build blacksmith(bronze age) if you have free space in your town

Grand Prize – Sunflower Oil Press

Forge Of Empires Golden Crops

Sunflower Oil Press is 9 levels upgradeable building. Sunflower Oil Press provides you with Happiness, Population and Coins on base level. Upon leveling it up, it will also deliver Coins, more Supplies, Forge Points, Goods and a Fragment for One Up Kits, as well as additional Guild Goods.