Forge of Empires Halloween 2018 tasks and tips

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Halloween is coming and here is the latest Forge of Empire Halloween Event, 2018.

From 23th of October until 6th of November, 2018 you will have 57 quests to finish with random rewards for each finished quest. Solve all quests to receive Dark Doorway​ (3×3 Residential Building), Haunted Tower​ (3×3 Cultural Building), Mad Scientist’s Lab​ (4×4 Multi-Production building).

Also you will be able to get Graveyard Selection Kits from which you can choose to upgrade a Graveyard you already have in the city, or rather get the basic building which can be upgraded again. .


Quest # Quest line, tasks and tips
1 The Lost Library. welcome, eager reader, to the Lost Library. Were you looking for anything in particular?
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 12 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
2 The Librarian. Pleas, take a look around. If you see anything that takes your fancy, don’t hesitate to let me know
Solve this simple negotiation OR Defeat this very small army
Make people enthusiastic – Tips: use Enthusiasm boost in your Tavern
3 A Novel Warning. The books in this library can be very gripping. Be sure you don’t let them pull you in too deep, or you might never return
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 16 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Gather some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 535,000 coins in Virtual Future) – Tips: build and sell a building to get back coins
4 Recommendations. The books near the entrance are somewhat of a more easy read. Venture further down to the back of the library and you may find the tales residing there to be a bit more difficult to stomach.
Motivate or polish 30 buildings of other players
Gather some goods from e.g. goods buildings or trading (amount depends on age/era you are in. 160 goods in Virtual Future) – Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
5 The First Book. Ah, yes. I have a book here that I’m sure will bewitch you.
Recruit 4 units– Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
6 Lost in the Woods – Part 1. She felt lik she had been walking for hours. Maybe it had been that long. She had no grasp of how much time had passed. Her head was only filled with worry. A thousand possible worst case0scenarios stampeding through her mind.
Solve this simple negotiation OR Defeat this small army
Build 1 cultural building from your age OR Build 2 Cultural buildings from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused cultural building there
7 Lost in the Woods – Part 2. The sun was starting to set and the long shadows from the trees began to stretch further like a tide of darkness rushing into through the woods to flood the ground around her.
Collect 1,000 Tavern Silver OR Buy 7 Forge Points
8 Lost in the Woods – Part 3. She looked around, there was no sign of him. Maybe he found his way to the path. He was smart for his age, he knew that he shouldn’t wander too far from the footpath so maybe he was just waiting further up ahead.
Visit 20 Friends Taverns OR Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 48 Forge points in Virtual Future)
In a production building, finish a 4-hour production 11 times– Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
9 Lost in the Woods – Part 4. After the fourth turn, she stopped dead in her tracks. She felt her heart sink and her breath freeze, stuck fast in her throat. Laying on the path was a coat. His coat. She ran towards it, she had never moved so fast in her life.
Solve this complex negotiation OR Defeat this large army
10 Lost in the Woods – Part 5. She thought back to the image of him cold and alone in the dark. She took a deep breath and composed herself. On the ground beside her she noticed footprints, they had trodden through the leaves and into the denser woodlands, they had to be his.
Build 4 decorations from your age OR Build 4 decorations from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused decorations there
Gather some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 310,000 supplies in Virtual Future) – Tips: build and sell a building to get back supplies.
11 Lost in the Woods – Part 6. She began banging on the door before her feet had even come to a stop. She didn’t want to scare the resident of the cabin, so she forced herself to stop and composed herself.
Spend 450 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
12 Lost in the Woods – Part 7. “No. I’m sorry, I haven’t seen anybody”, the old lady responded. She had a scared look about her, but the woman sensed something off about her. “Could I please in and use your telephone?” she asked. The old woman opened the door and she stepped inside
Acquire 3 sectors without fighting OR Complete 6 Guild Expedition encounters by negotiating – Tips: negotiate sectors
13 Lost in the Woods – Part 8. She didn’t want to seem rude, and it had been a long time since she’d had anything to drink, so she agreed. The off lady the poured her a cup and shuffled off out of the kitchen to fetch the telephone.
Solve this simple negotiation OR Defeat this small army
In a production building, finish a 4 hour production 12 times– Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
14 Lost in the Woods – Part 9. Suddenly she heard a loud crash from the next room. She jolted immediately see what had happened, and in the room she saw him, the young buy, her boy.
Motivate or polish 40 buildings of other players
Gain some happiness (amount depends on age/era you are in. 15,000 happiness in Virtual Future)– Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused decorations there. If you don’t have much free space in you town – build and sell it on the same spot
15 Lost in the Woods – Part 10. Inexplicably, the old woman started to turn the knife towards herself. With a horrified panic, she began to stab herself repeatedly in the chest, and then collapsed to the floor.
Build 1 goods buildings from your age OR Build 2 from the previous age OR Recruit 6 units
16 A Wicked Twist. I love stories with a twist! Don’t you?
Solve this moderate negotiation OR Defeat this medium-sized army
In a production building, finish an 8-hour production 10 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
17 The Second Book. The situation starts to get pretty hairy in this next book
Buy 6 Forge Points
Pay some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 1,400,400 coins in Virtual Future)
18 The Beast Within – Part 1. There was something odd about the moon that night, something in the way it was hanging. It seemed bigger than usual, and much closer, almost threatening
Win 6 battles OR Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern – Tips: you can win battles in Guild Expedition, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors
Finish 15 productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish 20 productions in production buildings from the previous age
19 The Beast Within – Part 2. The fear and doubt were certainly compelling enough to make him walk away but he knew that if he did, the village would never be safe; his family would never be safe
Solve this complex negotiation OR Defeat this large army
20 The Beast Within – Part 3. With every step he took, the walls seemed to creep closer and closer around him. There was a faint rancid smell being carried through the air. the deeper he went into the cave, the more pungent it became.
Build 1 Workshop building from your age OR Build 2 Workshop buildings from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused production building there
Pay some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 600,000 supplies in Virtual Future)
21 The Beast Within – Part 4. A deep growl shook the cavern, the man felt the ground tremble and his legs followed suit. As the stared deep into the darkness of the far-side of the cavern, holding his torch out at arms-length, he finally saw it
In a production building, finish one of each production options once – Tips: finish once each of 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours, 8 hours and 24 hours production in production building
22 The Beast Within – Part 5. The man shut his eyes and tried to find something to force the fear from his mind. He thought back to the night that his son was taken from him. He failed to save him from the beast then, but would avenge him tonight.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Gather some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 802,500 coins in Virtual Future) – Tips: build and sell a building to get back coins
23 The Beast Within – Part 6. He was face to face with the beast now, with mere inches between them. He could feel the heat from the wolf’s snarling breath upon his face, its eyes fixed deep, almost rooted to his own.
Recruit 3 units from your age OR Recruit 3 units from the previous age – Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
24 The Beast Within – Part 7. The beast began to snarl louder now, his head retreating slightly as if it were preparing to lunge. The man’s only thought at this point was survival. As he reached back to try to free his knife, he felt the beast’s jaw clamp around his arm, its teeth searing through his skin.
Solve this moderate negotiation OR Defeat this medium-sized army
Buy 5 Forge Points
25 The Beast Within – Part 8. The wolf responded with a cry of its own and rolled off the man. It stumbled and began to retreat, whimpering with each hurried step
In a production building, finish a 4-hour production 20 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
26 The Beast Within – Part 9. The man sat there for 20 minutes, waiting for the anger and adrenaline to subside, and hopefully be replaced with a sense of peace. Before long, his hands had stopped shaking, but there was still no sign of the peace he had been longing for.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Defeat 20 units OR Motivate or polish 40 buildings of other players – Tips: defeat enemy units in GE battles, on Continent map or in fights with your neighbours. You don’t need to win a battle
27 The Beast Within – Part 10. Two days later he arrived back at the village. It was late in the evening but the villagers had all collected upon the gates, eagerly awaiting his return. The man looked over to his wife in the crowd, her emotions moulded together with grief and anticipation.
Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Infiltrate 4 sectors– Tips: activate Extra turn 15 minutes boost 2 times
Solve this simple negotiation OR Defeat this very small army
28 The Beast Within – Part 11. The man looked down at the conquered beast strewn on the floor. the cloth had draped off only slightly from the fall, but it was enough to reveal the terrifying truth he could have never predicted.
Gather some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 620,000 supplies in Virtual Future) – Tips: build and sell a building to get back supplies.
Visit 20 Friends Taverns OR Buy 5 Forge Points
29 The Beast Within – Part 12. The man turned towards his wife once more, the look of horror on her face burned forever into his mind. The anger and rage came flooding in him now, this time stronger than he had ever felt before, in a way it was almost primal.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Acquire 2 sectors OR Donate some goods to the guild treasury (amount depends on age/era you are in. 160 Goods in Virtual Future)
30 A Beastly End. That story always makes my skin crawl
Infiltrate 3 sectors OR In a production building, finish a 5-minute production 33 times
31 The Third Book. This next book is bound to get your pulse racing
Solve this moderate negotiation OR Defeat this medium-sized army
32 On Death’s Door – Part 1. A cold winter night. Two forensic pathologists stayed behind working late. A new cadaver was brought in who died under seemingly mysterious circumstances. They relished opportunities like this. A welcome change from all the typical gunshot and knife related murders
Collect 750 Tavern Silver OR Buy 4 Forge Points
33 On Death’s Door – Part 2. The elder of the two loses, makes his way to the door and opens it, but there is no one there. Confused, he heads down towards the front door of the building. Sound sometimes carries down the corridor so it could be that someone outside was trying to get into the building.
In a production building, finish a 4-hour production 13 times– Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
In a production building, finish a 5-minute production 13 times– Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
34 On Death’s Door – Part 3. There was no sign of anyone around. It was probably the local kids in the area, knocking on the door and running away. They’d done this a thousand times before. Though what puzzled the man was that there were no signs of footprints in the snow outside.
Recruit 3 units from your age OR Recruit 3 units from the previous age
Defeat 12 units – Tips: defeat enemy units in GE battles, on Continent map or in fights with your neighbours. You don’t need to win a battle
35 On Death’s Door – Part 4. The man started to put two and two together now and realised it must all be a practical joke put on by his colleague. She joked around like this all the time. “You’re got to have a sense of humour working in a morgue”, she would always say
Gather some goods from e.g. goods buildings or trading (amount depends on age/era you are in. 160 goods in Virtual Future) – Tips: age of goods doesn’t matter. It can be from bronze age.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
36 On Death’s Door – Part 5. he followed the trail into the next room to find his colleague laying there in the middle of the floor. This must be another one of her jokes. But as he moved closer into the room, he was hit with a terrifying realisation.
Solve this simple negotiation OR Defeat this small army
Motivate or polish 20 buildings belonging of other players
37 On Death’s Door – Part 6. his colleague was unresponsive. The man put his ear down to her mouth to listen for breathing. Horrifyingly, he did hear breathing, but it wasn’t his colleague. A deep panting and grunting sound was coming from a darkened corner of the room
In a production building, finish an 8-hour production 6 times– Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Infiltrate 4 sectors
38 On Death’s Door – Part 7. The man gasped in terror and stumbled backwards, collapsing on the floor. The reanimated cadaver heard this and started to move towards him. Instinctively, the man fled in terror and rushed out of the room
Build 3 residential buildings from your age OR Build 4 residential buildings from the previous age
39 On Death’s Door – Part 8. There was no way that he was going to risk going back into the morgue but he knew he wouldn’t be safe just standing here.
Solve this simple negotiation OR Defeat this very small army
Gather some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 310,000 Supplies in Virtual Future)
40 On Death’s Door – Part 9. The lights were off in the room. He could hardly see a thing. He fumbled his hands along the walls for a few seconds until he found the light-switch
Pay some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 1,750,500 Coins in Virtual Future)
41 On Death’s Door – Part 10. He always had his key-card with him, so he naturally just took these things for granted. Luckily he always kept his cell phone in his trouser pocket, though he knew he wasn’t supposed to
Build 4 decoration buildings from your age OR Build 4 decoration buildings from the previous age
Activate 3 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Infiltrate 3 sectors
42 On Death’s Door – Part 11. He turned around and was flooded with fear when he realised. The loud banging hadn’t been coming from outside the front door at all, but from inside the morgue
Solve this moderate negotiation OR Defeat this medium-sized army
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
43 A Chilling Conclusion. My blood runs cold hearing that tale again
Defeat 10 units OR Build a Cultural Building
44 The Fourth Book. This next book is sure to give you the chills
Finish 15 productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish 20 productions in production buildings from the previous age – Tips: finish 5 minute 15 productions in production buildings form your age, or 20 productions in production buildings from the previous age
Gain some happiness (amount depends on age/era you are in. 7,500 Happiness in Virtual Future)
45 Till Death Do Us Part – Part 1. The crew already started setting up by the time she arrived at the location. She had done shoots like this dozens of times before. The show was already on its fifth season and the renewal for the sixth was looking pretty safe
Gather some goods from e.g. goods buildings or trading (amount depends on age/era you are in. 160 goods in Virtual Future) – Tips: age of goods doesn’t matter. It can be from bronze age
Visit 20 Friends Taverns OR In a production building, finish a 24-hour production 1 time
46 Till Death Do Us Part – Part 2. The shoot was set at a lesser known location that night, an abandoned church rumored to be haunted by a jilted bride who, stricken with grief, threw herself from the steeple
Complete 1 other quest
47 Till Death Do Us Part – Part 3. The over-powered air-conditioning system that the presenter would use to convince the viewers of the goosebumps as the ‘entity’ brushed past her arm and there was sudden drop of temperature in the room
Solve this simple negotiation OR Defeat this small army
48 Till Death Do Us Part – Part 4. The presenter looked over the schedule plan one last time quickly to remind herself and then moved into the position for the external introductory opening shot. The cameras started rolling and she worked her way through the introduction
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 60 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
Make people enthusiastic
49 Till Death Do Us Part – Part 5. The network had hired the show’s resident medium for a seance encounter that the writers had planned in for this episode. A tragic death story was always fitting for a believable seance
Recruit 5 units from your age OR Recruit 5 units from the previous age
50 Till Death Do Us Part – Part 6. right on cue, the temperature dropped in the room and the presenter began to shiver, visually exaggerating in an effort to chill the viewers at home
Complete the first difficulty of the Guild Expeditions OR Win 5 battles without losing
51 Till Death Do Us Part – Part 7. She pushed through to the end of the lines for the shot, and immediately after the director called to cut, she began to scream at the crew. The air-conditioning was set far colder than they’d ever had it before
Acquire 3 sectors OR Donate some goods to the guild treasury
52 Till Death Do Us Part – Part 8. With a mix of fear and confusion, the crew cautiously explained that the generator had shorted out when they tried to cue the air-conditioning and that it had been switched off the entire time
Buy 6 Forge Points
53 Till Death Do Us Part – Part 9. The director sat down with her outside the church and explained that neither he nor the other crew members had felt cold at all during the filming of the shot, and he asked her if she was feeling ill
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 60 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
In a production building, finish a 4-hour production 12 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
54 Till Death Do Us Part – Part 10. One of the few genuine facts that they had conveyed about the church was that bell had been removed when the church closed down after the accident. The two looked up to the steeple in sheer confusion
Solve this moderate negotiation OR Defeat this medium-sized army
Defeat 5 units
55 Till Death Do Us Part – Part 11. It looked as if they were taking no notice at all, and instead they seemed to be forming a queue of some sort. Shockingly, and without hesitation, one by one they began to leap from the steeple directly onto the concrete ground below
Conquer 1 sector OR Build 2 production buildings
56 A Darkened End. I think that last story scares me the most out of all of them
In a production building, finish a 5-minute production 55 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 60 Forge Points in Virtual Future)
57 The Replacement. I would show you out, but I’m afraid that’s just not possible. The Lost Library has finally claimed another unfortunate soul to take my place. I did warn you not to wander so far deep
Acquire a province OR Donate some goods to the guild treasury (amount depends on age/era you are in. 480 Goods in Virtual Future) – Tips: age of goods doesn’t matter. It can be from bronze age

That’s it.

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