Forge of Empires Summer Event 2019, quest lines and tips

Click here for FoE Summer Event 2022 questlines and tips

Forge of Empire Summer Event 2019 starts on 1st of August. Until 21st of August you will have 55 quests to complete. You will be able to get a new Grand prize – The Crown’s Nest. It is upgradable building and depending on it’s level, can provide Coins, Supplies, Medals, Forge Points, Goods and even Diamonds and this building is neither motivable nor plunderable.

Also you can still obtain The Ship Building and upgrade kits from the last year’s event as rare rewards on the wheel. Spin the Wheel of Fortune to win prizes. But Wheel of Fortune is shared with your neighbors so be quick then you’ll see a prize you want to get. Or press Refresh & Spin button in case you don’t see any valuable prizes available.

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Forge of Empires Soccer Cup 2019, quest lines and tips

Forge Of Empire Soccer Cup 2018

Click here for FoE Soccer Cup Event 2022 questlines and tips

Forge of Empire The Soccer Cup 2019 is starting on June 6th, 2019 to celebrate FIFA Women’s World Cup. Until July 7th you will have 65 quests to complete. The main prize of this quest is new upgradable building – Altar Garden. At level 5 you will have a choice to choose how your altar should look. There are 6 options to choose: Altar of Aphrodite, Altar of Artemis, Altar of Athena, Altar of Demeter, Altar of Hera OR Altar of Hestia

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