Forge of Empire Winter Event 2017 quest line and prizes

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On 30th of November the last Forge of Empire event in 2017 will start – Forge of Empire Winter Event 2017. FoE Winter Event will be open until 4th of January, 2018.

You need Stars to open presents. There are three ways to get stars:

  1. Get stars by doing quest for Frosty.
  2. You’ll get 10 stars from your Town Hall when you login each day.
  3. You can get stars in presents.

Every day, there is a new set of amazing rewards hidden in a set of presents. Use stars to open them and claim what’s inside. Open as many presents as you like and win rewards over and over again.

There are special items hidden among your presents:

Forge of empire Winter 2016 show 2 “Show 2” reveals the content of two presents
Forge of empire Winter 2016 double payout “Double Payout” doubles the next present you open.
Forge of empire Winter 2016 shuffle “Shuffle” resets and shuffles your presents. Once reshuffled, you can open a present at no cost.

FoE Winter Event 2017 Quests are posted daily so there is no fast track to pass them in one day. For each completed task you will receive 10-18 stars and also there are special prizes for completing 5, 10, 20 and 34 quests:

  • after 5 quests – Madam Fortuna’s Tent
  • after 10 quests – 25 stars
  • after 20 quests – 25 stars
  • after 34 quests – Straw Star Tent.

All quests must be finished by 4th of January, 2018. Here is full quest line for the FoE Winter Event 2017:

Quest # Quest line, tasks and tips
1 Ho ho ho! It is I, Frosty, the friendly snowman! Winter is finally here. Do tasks for me an I’ll give you stars to open presents.
Spend 10 Forge Points
Gather 150 coins – Tips: motivate/polish your neigbors/guildmates
2 I have not always been a fan of the winter season. But now, it’s my favorite time of the year.
Motivate or polish 30 buildings of other players
Spend 10 Forge Points
Build 2 decorations from your age or 3 from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused cultural building there
Spend 10 Forge Points
4 Back in the day, I didn’t like winter too much – it’s cold and windy, after all. But summer is even worse for a snowman, I suppose…
In production buildings, finish the shortest production option 20 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town and finish 5 minutes production 20 times
Spend 10 Forge Points – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town and finish 5 minutes production 20 times
5 During winter, people can be who they really are without hiding their true feelings! For example: I’m currently feeling indifferent! 
Gather 50 goods by collecting or trading– Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for 50 goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
Spend 15 Forge Points
6 There are so many winter customs that I’m unaware of. But with your help, I’m sure I can get things right 
Make people enthusiastic– Tips: use Enthusiasm boost in your Tavern
Spend 10 Forge Points
7 One winter tradition involves putting things in other peoples’ shoes. Therefor, I put some snow in Greva’s boots. Am I doing this right? 
In a production building, finish a 4-hour production 15 times– Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Spend 10 Forge Points
8 I like the concept of winter market. However, large groups of people scare me. So I always watch them from a distance… 
Win 5 battles without losing in between OR donate 100 goods either from your current era or the era below to the guild treasury
Spend 10 Forge Points
9 I heard that people eat a lot of candy during the winter time. This inspired me to try out this new candy-only diet.
Recruit 2 units from your age or 3 units from the previous age – Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
Spend 10 Forge Points
10 Still feeling a bit sick from my candy diet I tried out yesterday. Final verdict: would not recommend. 
Research a technology OR donate 300 goods either from your current era or the previous era to the guild treasury
Spend 20 Forge Points
11 Ice skating! That’s a valid winter sport, isn’t it? People seem to have fun racing around in circles mindlessly for no purpose. 
Build 2 residential buildings from your age or 3 from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused residential buildings there
Spend 10 Forge Points
12 Want to know my favorite holiday ornament? The nutcracker. Like me, they hide their destructive feelings behind a mask of happiness.
Gather 100 goods by collecting or trading – Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for 100 goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
Spend 10 Forge Points
13 Winter pyramids confuse me. They turn, like carousels, but are way too small for people to enter. What’s the point? 
In a production building, finish a 1-hour production 20 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Spend 10 Forge Points
14 Giving presents seems like a nice thing to do. I’ve never received a present though, so I’m lacking first hand experience.. 
Activate 2 boosts in the Tavern OR spend 20 Forge Points– Tips: activate Extra turn 15 minutes boost 2 times
15 Do you know the tradition of the mistletoe? Whenever two people below one, they have to kiss. Try to avoid it, though, because winter season is also sickness season! 
Scout a province OR have the third difficulty in the Guild Expedition solved
Spend 10 Forge Points
16 I’m not sure why, but during winter time, people turn into pyromaniacs. They set candles on fire everywhere. I like fire…I just have to make sure I don’t get too close.
Build 4 decorations from your age or 6 from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused decorations there
Spend 10 Forge Points
17  When I was a wee lad, we had a nice winter tradition: the ringing of the winter bell. I liked this because it involved beating an inanimate object with a stick.
In a production building, finish a 15-minute-production 25 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
In a production building, finish the shortest production option 20 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town and finish 5 minutes production 40 times
18 It’s way too hot under this costume…Oh, sorry, I didn’t see you there. Haha, I’m Frosty! The friendly snowman.
Recruit 3 units from your age or 4 from the previous age – Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
Spend 10 Forge Points
19 Some people eat a special winter pudding during the festive season. Mine is made out of coal and carrots. Wanna try? 
Research a technology OR contribute 70 Forge Points to Great Buildings
20 The thing I love most during the winter season? Taking other people’s land by force…erm, I mean spreading joy to our empire!
Acquire 3 sectors by fight or negotiation
Spend 10 Forge Points
21 Apparently, people send winter cards to their relatives during the festive season. This is good because it means that you don’t have to talk to them face-to-face. 
In a production building, finish the shortest production option 40 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town and finish 5 minutes production 40 times
In a production building, finish a 1-hour-production 12 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
22 I remember a winter season from my childhood that had very mild temperatures. We built a snowman out of mud because we didn’t have any snow that year. 
Build 1 cultural building from your age or 2 from the previous age  – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused cultural buildings there
Spend 10 Forge Points
23 One very important custom during winter is the preparation of the winter tree, apparently. I chopped this block of wood for us to decorate. Am I doing this right? 
Collect 1,000 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR buy 15 Forge Points
Spend 10 Forge Points
24 I heard that another thing that’s hung on the winter tree is the traditional winter pickle. Whoever finds it first will be very lucky over the next year. Too bad I don’t like pickles. 
In a production building, finish a 4-hour-production 12 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
In a production building, finish a 15-minute-production 25 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
25 Conquering land has become a nice winter tradition for us! Let’s celebrate! 
Gain control over a province
26 We got more reports of an old guy in a red suit sneaking into people’s homes. I’m pretty sure that’s illegal…
Finish 20 productions in production buildings from your age or 25 from the previous age – Tips: finish 20 5-minutes production from your age of 25 from the previous age/era
Spend 10 Forge Points
27 Winter is almost over and I didn’t get any presents yet. Is it because of my intimidating appearance?
Research a technology OR donate 500 goods either from your current era or the previous era to the guild treasury
Spend 20 Forge Points
28 I’m pretty sure now that I didn’t get any presents because people simply don’t like me. I guess I should try to do more good things for others. Will you help me?
Activate 3 boosts in the Tavern OR spend 30 Forge Points – Tips: activate Extra turn 15 minutes boost 3 times
29 Oh, wow. I just found a bunch of gifts for me! No one told me that I have to look INSIDE the socks. 
Defeat 18 enemy units in battle OR donate 100 goods either from your current era or the era below to the guild treasury – Tips: defeat enemy units in GE battles, on Continent map or in fights with your neighbors. you don’t need to win a battle. Start a battle, kill some units and surrender if enemy is too strong. Repeat it until you defeat 18 units.
Spend 10 Forge Points
30 Although the festive season is coming to an end, it’s going to go out with a big bang on new year eve. I still need to organize some fireworks – wanna help?
Spend 10 Forge Points
In a production building, finish a 1-hour-production 50 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
31 Finding new year’s resolutions is always hard for me. I mean, how can you improve on perfection? 
Spend 10 Forge Points
Buy 10 Forge Points
32 I finally have a good new year’s resolution for myself: work a bit on my body language. People told me it’s kind of frozen. 
Research a technology
33 Happy New Year! Are you excited for the grand reveal? Tomorrow I will finally tell you who I truly am!
Spend 10 forge points
Recruit 4 units from your age or 5 units from previous age – Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
34 Ho ho ho! It was I, General Grivus, under the Frosty costume – again! Last year, I lost a beet with Rinbin. This year, I eliminated the competition so I could do it again.
Spend 15 Forge Points
Acquire 3 sectors without fighting – Tips: negotiate sector