Forge of Empires Fall event questline, 2018

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On 12th of September Forge of empire Fall event 2018 starts. Players will take part in baking competition: you will need to collect the ingredients and bake as many receipts as possible. Until October 3rd you have to complete all the quests.

Here is official announcement about event and below you will find quests and tips. You will get 54 quests that you can complete right away (as two parallel questlines – the second one will show up after completing the first four quests). Once you’ve completed all of them, you will be getting one quest per day, for the remainder of the event. You will probably have a few of them stacked when you get to them, as they start stacking up starting on day one.

You will get 1 ingredient (an apple, pumpkin, cinnamon, caramel, chocolate) for each finished quest.

First four quests

Quest # Quest line, tasks and tips
1 Fall bake-off. Welcome to the Forge Bake-off. I’m Ms. Appleton, organizer of the event. Are you new to the bake-off? That’s great! Let me show you around.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in.  16 FPs in Virtual Future era) – Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neighbors or guild member’s
2 Pick a Recipe. Use the five ingredients to bake recipes. You’ll have three recipes to choose from. Once you bake one, you will be presented with three new ones.
Build 4 decoration buildings from your age or 6 from the previous age
3 Star ratings. Each recipe has a star rating. The higher the star rating, the more space the baked good takes on the table. Fill up the table to win the grand prize!
In a production building, finish 1-hour production 15 times
4 Fragments. There are exciting rewards this year including a brand new type of reward: fragments. Collect enough fragments of a specific building and you’ll eventually be able to build that building.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 16 FPs in Virtual Future era)
Acquire 1 sector – Tips: negotiate or win a sector

The rest of quests. There are two parallel quest lines, so actual quests can appear in different order then they are listed here. It depends on which quest line you are solving faster


Quest # Quest line, tasks and tips
5 Grandmother’s helper. I started baking with my grandmother when I was a little girl. I learned a lot from her.
In production buildings, finish 5-minute production options 10 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Gather some goods (amount depends on age/era you are in. 1,070,000 coins in Virtual Future era)– Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
6 Make your own cake flour. Since I love baking cakes, I have a lot of tips for baking them. One thing I learned is that if you don’t have cake flour on hand, you can make your own by mixing regular flour and cornstarch.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 20 Forge points in Virtual Future era)– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
Win 5 battles without losing OR Negotiate 2 sectors– Tips: you can win battles in Guild Expedition, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors
7 Tips and Tricks. Over the years, I’ve gathered a lot of tips and tricks for baking. I would love to share some with you.
Pay some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 1,167,000 coins in Virtual Future era)
Spend 32 Forge Points – Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
8 Preheating is Key. If you’ve baked before, you know that preheating the oven is always part of the recipe instructions. This is especially important for cakes. If you put a  cake into an oven that’s not hot enough, it will affect the way the cake rises.
In production buildings, finish 8-hour productions 12 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
9 Sliced bread Part 1. There are a couple of tricks that involve sliced bread. For instance, store your cookies with piece of sliced bread to keep the cookies soft.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 60 Forge points in Virtual Future era– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
10 Cake pans. With cakes, it’s very important to line the cake pans well so that the cake doesn’t stick to the pan. I usually use softened butter dusted with flour, but lining your pan with parchment paper also works.
Build 1 military building from your age OR Negotiate 1 sector – Tips: sell and build military building again if you don’t have free space in your town
Contribute 8 Forge Points to Great Buildings OR Recruit 1 unit from your age or 2 units from the previous age – Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
11 Airy Batter. To get a light, fluffy cake, get as much air into the batter as you can. Creaming the batter as you can. Creaming the butter and sugar is a good start. Sifting in the dry ingredients also helps. Finally, don’t overwork the batter when mixing it.
Gather some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 1,605,000 coins in Virtual Future era)
Visit 15 Friends Taverns OR Spend 20 Forge Points
Build 2 residential buildings from your age or the previous age
13 The chemistry of baking. Baking is like chemistry, For cakes, once the batter is made, put it straight in the oven as the rising agent, like baking soda or baking powder, will be activated as soon as it comes in contact with the wet ingredients.
Buy 8 Forge Points
Motivate or polish 40 buildings of other players
14 Sliced bread part 3. Okay, last trick using sliced bread keep brown sugar from going hard by throwing a piece of sliced bread into the container.
Gather some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 248,000 supplies in Virtual Future era)
In production buildings, finish 4-hour productions 22 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
15 Middle Rack. The rule with almost all baked goods also applies to cake: bake your cake on the middle oven rack for even cooking.
Defeat 5 units OR Donate 240 goods to the guild treasury– Tips: defeat enemy units in GE battles, on Continent map or in fights with your neighbours
Recruit 3 units from your age or 5 units from the previous age– Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
16 That sinking feeling. For recipes that call for chocolate chips, coat them in flour first to keep them from sinking to bottom of your batter.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 16 Forge points in Virtual Future era– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
Gather 320 goods from goods buildings or by trading– Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
17 Be gentle. Once your cake is in the oven, don’t slam the oven door otherwise you could cause the cake to sink.
Build 1 production building from your age or 2 from the previous age – Tips: sell and build goods building again
Gather some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in)
Acquire 3 sectors without fighting OR Solve 5 encounters in the Guild Expeditions
19 Chocolate Garnish. To make a gourmet-looking chocolate garnish, simply use a potato peeler on chocolate bar.
Build 1 cultural building from your age or 2 from the previous age
Spend 800 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR Buy 8 Forge Points
20 Freezer burn. If you want to save some cake for later use, freeze your baked cake right away to avoid freezer burn. This will also maintain its freshness and once thawed and eaten, no one will know it was ever frozen.
Finish 15 productions in production buildings from your age or 20 from the previous age – Tips: finish 5 minutes production 15 times in production buildings from your age
21 Eggshell  Dilemma. Have you ever broken open eggs and accidentally dropped an eggshell into them? Fishing out the eggshell feels almost impossible. Make it easier by wetting your finger.
Win 10 battles OR Donate 560 goods to the guild treasury – Tips: you can win battles in Guild Expedition, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors. Or  donate goods of any age to treasury .
22 Lumps? No problem! Somewhat in the cake family, and another one of my favorite things to make, are muffins. Just like with cakes, the rule of thumb with muffin batter is not to overmix! Just moisten the ingredients and don’t worry about lumps.
Motivate or polish 50 buildings of other players
Gather 220 goods from goods buildings or by trading– Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for 100 goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
23 Homemade Buttermilk. If a recipe ever calls for buttermilk and you’ve got none on hand, you can make your own by combining regular milk and lemon juice
Spend 40 Forge Points – Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
Gather some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 620,000 supplies in Virtual Future era)
24 Egg Bath. Usually, baking recipes call for room temperature eggs. But if you forgot to set your eggs out, you can quickly bring them to room temperature by putting the eggs into a bowl of water for 5 minutes.
In production buildings, finish each of the production options once
Make people enthusiastic– Tips: use Enthusiasm boost in your Tavern
25 Soft as butter. On the topic of room temperature ingredients: to make cold butter come to room temperature faster, bus the butter into smaller chunks. The smaller pieces will up quicker.
Pay some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 620,000 supplies in Virtual Future era)
Gain some happiness (amount depends on age/era you are in. 15,000 happiness in Virtual Future era) – Tips: build and sell decoration until you reach amount of happiness you need.
26 Muffin Top. A trick to get that nice round muffin top is to preheat the oven ant a lower temperature than what you plan to bake them at. The blast of heat helps create that perfect dome we all know and love.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 20 Forge Points in Virtual Future era– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
Recruit 7 units– Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition or Build spearfighter barrack as age doesn’t matter
27 Frozen Berries. If you’re using frozen berries in your muffins, don’t thaw the berries. Otherwise your muffins will be the same color as the berries.
Pay some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 2,917,500 Forge Points in Virtual Future era)
Collect 1,100 Tavern Silver OR Buy 8 Forge Points
28 Equal sized muffins. When filling your muffin tin, use an ice-cream scoop to ensure all your muffins are the same size for even baking.
Build 8 decorations – Tips: build trees (bronze age)
Pay some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 1,200,000 supplies in Virtual Future era)
29 Upside down. Once the muffins are out of the oven, try cooling them upside-down on a clean dish towel. This will help the muffins keep from getting a soggy bottom.
In a production building, finish a 1-hour production 15 times– Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Spend some Forge Points (40 Forge Points in Virtual Future era)– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
30 Homemade Brown Sugar. You can make homemade brown sugar by simply combining white sugar and molasses.
Acquire 2 sectors without fighting OR Gather some goods from goods buildings or by trading (620,000 supplies in Virtual Future era. 620 goods in Virtual Future era) – Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for 100 goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
31 Flaky Crust. Prebake the pie crust to help avoid ending up with a soggy crust once the filling is in.
Build 2 production buildings from your age or from the previous age – Tips: sell and build goods building again if you are short of free space in your town
32 No more sticky fingers. If you ever need to work with sticky foods with your hands (like fudge), wet your hands first and the food won’t stick to them.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 Forge Points in Virtual Future era– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
Finish 15 productions in production buildings from your age or 20 from the previous age – Tips: finish 5 minutes production 15 times in production buildings from your age
33 Time for pie. Apple and pumpkin pie are iconic fall desserts and , of course, I have tips for these. Let’s start with crust. For a flaky crust, chill the dough.
Visit 8 Friends Taverns OR Motivate or polish 40 buildings of other players
Make people enthusiastic – Tips: use Enthusiasm boost in your Tavern
34 Bananas for baking. I love baking with bananas, but I always have to wait for the banana to get very ripe. If you don’t want to wait for your bananas to ripen, cook the bananas in the oven until the peel is black and the banana is soft.
Buy 5 Forge Points
Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Win 4 battles without losing– Tips: you can win battles in Guild Expedition, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors
35 Golden Brown. Use an egg wash on your crust before you bake it. This the key getting that golden brown color.
Buy 2 Forge Points
Solve 6 encounters in the Guild Expeditions OR Finish a 24-hour production 6 times in a production building
36 Half and half. For pumpkin pie filling, use half white sugar and half brown sugar for a richer tasting pie since brown sugar has a more intense flavor than white sugar.
Gather some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in. 1,605,000 coins in Virtual Future era)
Defeat 40 units OR Donate 100 goods either from your current era or the era below to the guild treasury – Tips: defeat enemy units in GE battles, on Continent map or in fights with your neighbours
37 Fall Flavors. Make your own pumpkin pie filling and substitute part of the pumpkin with squash, yams or sweet potatoes for more fall flavor.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 20 forge points in Virtual Future era– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
In a production building, finish a 1-hour production 18 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
38 Spice it up. Don’t shy on the spices when making a pumpkin pie. You can double or even triple the amount of spices for more intense flavor. Just be sure to taste your filling as you go.
Win 5 battles OR Donate 150 goods to the guild treasury– Tips: you can win battles in Guild Expedition, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors
Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Infiltrate 4 sectors
39 Dental Floss. Use dental floss to easily cut cake layers! Of course, make sure it’s unflavored floss otherwise your cake will taste minty. You can also use floss to easily cut through cookie dough.
Build 1 goods building from your age OR Recruit 4 units from your age or the previous age – Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition or you can sell and build new goods building again if you don’t have free space in your town
40 Apple of my pie. For apple pie, it’s important to pick the right apples. Tart apples work best because they hold up better in the baking process. This way, your apple pie filling won’t turn mushy.
Finish 10 productions in production buildings from your age or 15 from the previous age – Tips: finish 5 minutes production 10 times in production buildings from your age
Build 2 residential buildings from your age or 3 from the previous age – Tips: check your inventory as you probably have unused residential building there
41 Easy on the Spice. As opposed to the pumpkin pie where more spices can be used, go easy on the seasoning in apple pies. Too much spice will overpower the apple flavor.
Solve 5 encounters in the Guild Expeditions OR Win 5 battles without losing – Tips: you can win battles in Guild Expedition, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors
42 Chill Out, Dough. Speaking of cookie dough, I’ve got some tricks for making the best cookies! First, chill the cookie dough to keep cookies from spreading too him when baking.
In a production building, finish a 5-minute production 10 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Defeat 30 enemy units OR Negotiate 2 sectors– Tips: defeat enemy units in GE battles, on Continent map or in fights with your neighbours
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in)– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
Gather some goods from goods buildings or by trading (amount depends on age/era you are in)– Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
44 Keep and Eye on it. When baking cookies, sometimes it’s best to just look at the cookies for lightly browned edges instead of following the specific cooking time in the recipe. This is mainly because all ovens heat differently.
Visit 12 Friends Taverns OR Motivate or polish 50 buildings of other players
In a production building, finish a 15-minute production 12 times– Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
45 Sweet and salty. Finally, don’t skip the salt in cookie recipes. Salt adds more depth and balances out the sweetness.
Recruit 3 units from your age or 5 units from the previous age– Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
46 Overfill. When filling your apple pie, don’t be afraid to mound the apples high. They cook down quite a bit in the oven, so better to have too much filling than not enough
Pay some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in.  1,500,000 supplies in Virtual Future era)
47 Delectable Brownies. Brownies have become one of my guilty pleasures lately. The first few times I had problems with the brownies sticking to the pan. I found that lining them with parchment paper makes it easier to get the brownies out.
Gather some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 620,000 supplies in Virtual Future era)
Buy 5 Forge Points
48 Let it rest. When your apple pie is done baking, resist the urge to cut into it right away. Let it rest and cool to room temperature so the apple filling gets perfectly glazed and not runny. the crust will also be flakier at room temperature.
Collect 400 Tavern Silver OR Motivate or polish 30 buildings of other players
Infiltrate 4 sectors OR Buy 6 Forge Points
49 Brownie or cake? Don’t overbeat the eggs as the extra air will cause the brownie to be more cake-like and less dense.
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 40 forge points in Virtual Future era– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
In a production building, finish an 8-hour production 8 times– Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
50 Fluff the flour. For brownies with great texture, sift all the dry ingredients like the flour and cocoa powder. This will fluff the dry ingredients so that the wet ingredients bind more quickly and evenly.
Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Buy 6 Forge Points– Tips: activate coins or supply 4 hours boost 2 times in your Tavern. It is cheapest boost
51 Once at a time. As much as you want to have brownies made quicker, don’t bake two sheets of brownies at the same time. Brownies must be baked in the middle of the oven to cook and brown evenly.
In a production building, finish an 8-hour production 5 times – Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in. 60 forge points in Virtual Future era)– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
52 Blast chilling. Brownies are easier to cut if you place the pan in the freezer for several minutes. 
Build 6 decorations– Tips: build trees (bronze age)
Gather some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in. 620,000 supplies in Virtual Future era)
Pay some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in)
In a production building, finish a 4-hour production 12 times– Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in)– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in)– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
In a production building, finish a 5-minute production 30 times– Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in)– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
Buy 5 Forge Points
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in)– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
Win 5 battles without losing OR Acquire 2 sectors without fighting– Tips: you can win battles in Guild Expedition, acquiring sectors or fighting your neighbors
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in)– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
Collect 750 Tavern Silver OR Donate 75 goods to the guild treasury– Tips: donate 75 goods from any era/
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in)– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
Pay some supplies (amount depends on age/era you are in)
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in)– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
Build 1 military building from your age or the previous age– Tips: sell and build military building again if you are short of free space in town
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in)– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
Motivate or polish 40 buildings of other players
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in)– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
Recruit 3 units from your age or 4 from the previous age– Tips: you can get units also from Alcatraz GB or in Guild Expedition
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in)– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
In a production building finish a 1-hour production 30 times– Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Complete the 1st difficulty level in the Guild Expeditions OR Infiltrate 5 sectors of the Campaign Map
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in)– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
Gather some goods from goods buildings or by trading (amount depends on age/era you are in)– Tips: fastest way is to make a trade for goods on the market. Age isn’t matter
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in)– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
Finish 15 production in production buildings from your age or 20 from the previous age
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in)– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
Build 4 decoration buildings from your age or 6 from the previous age
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in)– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
Gather some coins (amount depends on age/era you are in)
Spend some Forge Points (amount depends on age/era you are in)– Tips: spend FPs on your tech tree or contribute to any Great Buildings. GB can be yours or neigbours or guild member’s
In a production building finish a 4-hour production 12 times– Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town
Scout a province OR Finish a 24-hour production 10 times– Tips: build hunters (stone age) if you have free space in your town

That’s it.

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