Some businesses are doing great during COVID-19

Surprisingly a lot of businesses are doing quite well or even great during this coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. It is not clear how many of these businesses are cashing, but Yelp business directory have statistics which business categories are rising and which are free falling during this period.

It is not a surprise people are searching for delivery and takeout for dining out instead of dinning in. Delivery is 300 times more popular than usually.

COVID-19 Dine In vs Dine Out

Top raising categories*:

COVID-19 Yelp rising categories
Fitness & Exercise Equipment+547%
Community-Supported Agriculture+455%
Skilled Nursing+156%
Cosmetics & Beauty Supply+147%
Pet Breeders+144%
Supernatural Readings+134%
Mortgage Lenders+129%
Country Clubs+113%
Chicken Wings+103%
Event Photography+100%
Television Service Providers+99%
Art Galleries+73%

Top falling categories*:

COVID-19 falling categories
Bridal Stores-66%
Sewing & Alterations-65%
Shopping Centers-61%
Women’s Clothing-55%
Breakfast & Brunch-44%
Thrift Stores-43%
Hot Pot-42%
Massage Therapy-37%
Summer Camps-37%
Day Spas-25%
Financial Advising-20%

*These numbers are as of 2nd of April, 2020

The source data is Yelp website. Check it for the latest updates