FoE Space Age Space Hub resources requirements

On 4th of September, 2024 Forge of Empires Space Age Titan (SASH) was released. It requires a lot of resources to open the latest technologies. There are 31 new technologies to research and bellow is the list of resources you’ll need to finish latest tech tree.

To research all technologies in Space Age: Space Hub you will require 118,930 forge points. It is a huge amount and it will take ~100 days to produce so many forge points in my city. Here is full list of resources you will need to research all new technologies.

Resources for Space Age: Space Hub tech tree research

Forge points118,930
Promethium 2,400
Orichalcum 2,400
Mars Ore450
Asteroid Ice1,250
Venus Carbon 1,250
Unknown DNA900
Crystallized Hydrocarbons2350
Dark Matter39284
Space Age Space Hub goods
Dark Energy Batteries38,042
Deep Space Data38,020
Hypersleep Modules38,077
Oxygen Pills38,192
Silver Crystal39,095
Space Age Jupitor Moon goods
Advanced DNA Data2,000
Bio Creatures2,000
Enhanced Poriferas2,000
Red Algae2,000
Topological Records2,000
Space Age Titan goods
Compressed Matter Capsules 5,300
Experimental Data 4,500
Isolated Molecules4,500
Liquid Binders5,300
Upcycled Hydrocarbons5,300

In Space Age Space Hub you will have access to:

  • A new Space Hub station
  • 60 main story line quests
  • 45 side quests
  • 15 recurring quests
  • 9 Avatars
  • 16 expansions :
    • 12 premium expansions
    • 2 tech tree expansions
    • 1 campaign expansion
    • 1 Victory expansion
  • 31 technologies to research
  • 2 residential buildings
  • 5 military buildings with 5 new units (+ Champion)
  • 5 goods buildings and a special goods synthesizer
  • 2 production buildings
  • 2 culture buildings
  • 1 decoration
  • 2 streets
  • 2 Great Building

Good luck!