Body Mass Index (BMI) formula

Here is BMI formula if you don’t want to use our Body Mass Index Calculator and calculate body mass index manually.

It is very simple:

  • Imperial or English BMI formula:
    BMI = [weight_in_pounds / (height_in_inches * height_in_inches)] *703
    Example: weight = 145lbs, height = 6 ft 1 in (ie 73 inches) and BMI = [ 145 / (73 * 73) ] * 703 = 19.13
  • Metric BMI formula:
    BMI = weight_in_kilograms / (height_in_meters * height_in_meters)
    Example: weight = 70kg, height = 1.80m and BMI = 70 / (1.8 * 1.8) = 21.6

Here is how you can do if you want to use this formula with simple calculator on your PC or on phone:


  1. weight_in_pounds
  2. /
  3. height_in_inches
  4. /
  5. height_in_inches
  6. *
  7. 703
  8. =


  1. weight_in_kilograms
  2. /
  3. height_in_meters
  4. /
  5. height_in_meters
  6. =

Check BMI charts (imperial or metric) into which category your Body Mass Index falls.

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